Here's to hoping for some beautiful weather this weekend. I think I could use some sunshine and backyard parties right about now. Ah graduation season, you are welcomed every year. And now that I think about it, I can't believe I was graduating from college this time last year. Anyone else coming to the painful realization that old age is sneaking up on them? Or am I being paranoid?
On an outfit related note, I received this lovely little Young and Baroque dress from ModCloth and absolutely adore the vintage flower-esque print of it, not the mention the soft t-shirt feel. I can already tell that it's going to be a summer repeat.
Any big plans this weekend?
Dress: Young and Baroque dress, courtesy of ModCloth
Skirt: Grey body con skirt, BDG
Shoes: Nude platform pumps, Aldo
Socks: White trouser socks
ModCloth is a lovely sponsor of This Time Tomorrow.
I LOVE this look!! The last photo is adorable too! hope you had a great weekend! xoxo, natalya
super cute outfit! love the floral trend!
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how depressing, i graduated from college THREE years ago. it seems like just yesterday but i still (and will always) remember it fondly !
ps. love the dress 🙂
Love the floral print. You always have the most interesting backgrounds in your photos. There are all walls with something extra to them :]
Ooh, I want those nude pumps so badly!
i love this look! everything – the socks, your hair! love it!
Hi Krystal. First thing – Your blog is fab. love your style. Second thing….it is INSANE how much you look like my cousin Tiffany! Like seriously, you two could be twins! check it out…it's like looking in the mirror! haha!
– your newest follower, Kelli
Rock those socks girl!
im a big fan of your style!!!
i love it!!!
kisses from mexico
Loving the socks with sandals. It's great for days that are a bit cold and for covering up that pedicure you forgot to do. Check out my version!!
Efforts to fight fuel!........................................................
Aww i love the dress, is so lovely!.
what a gorgeous inspirational outfit for summer… I can't believe it took me this long to check your blog. will be going through the archives!
Hay dear blogger!
How are you? I'm glad that I've visited this blog! She's lovely.
Please, check mine too & maybe we can follow eachother!
You can also join my GIVEAWAY!
Love, Cindy.
aawww such great lovely style!!! i love the dress as well as the shoes with the socks! 😀
We first found you on weardrobe and had to come check out your blog! We are a group of 20-somethings that work in a high-end consignment store in Atlanta, GA and we LOVE your style and how fun your pictures are. Your combinations are so interesting. Really love the background in these pics too! And we can't wait to see what you do next!
we'd love for you to take a peek at our blog and let us know what you think… backalleyfashion.blogspot.com
Wow!! I love the pattern of your dress it is just gorgeous!! You look really great!!
This floral dress is adorable and I love your idea to wearing it with heels and socks!
Love the top/dress
Great! I love the flowery dress- modcloth is the best. Those are also fabulous nude heels!
That dress is just gorgeous! I graduated last year, too. Time just flies. It really makes me miss school!
I graduated this time last year too and on the one year anniversary I felt all sad and nostalgic. I can't believe how fast the past year went by!
That dress is just made for you & those gorgeous pumps you can give it to me! Hahh:D
Lizzie x
Very pretty dress. I graduated college in December and I'm starting to feel really old, especially since my little brother is graduating high school in two weeks. Time flies.
That dress is so pretty, I saw it on the site and really liked it. I love how you've styled it.
You're not the only one. I realized two weekends ago that it was 4 years (to the day) since I graduated college. Holly hell.
Love the look !
I featured you on a link in my blog for inspiration. The tutu and blazer combo. Hope you check it out !
I've said this so many times, but your hair is so gorgeous. I have major hair envy! Love this dress, too!
Dang, girl! Stunning!
gorgeous outfit!! I adore the top!
I adore these, and the top is great!
hhmmmm, schocks n' schoulders. you look incredible woman.
This dress looks gorgeous on you! And I love the heel and sock combo you have going on. I don't know if I could pull that off or not. How fun to have Modcloth.com as a sponsor- I could only dream of that honor.
Love the socks and heels combo. You rock it!
love the off the shoulder look here! That pattern is divine.
xo, Kim http://www.crowded-closet.com
That dress is stunning! I love the cut and print!
Melanie@Unravelled Threads
ooo I like that!!! werk!!
Love how you threw it over a skirt! And I agreed with Cara – You have amazing hair
Love the dress, and you have perfect hair.
MM so jealous.
Love the floral print!
that is an awesome dress, and you look stunning. congrats on having Modcloth as a sponsor. They rock!