Once you you start living for small details - the smell of a rainstorm moving in, the feeling of kismet with a stranger, the way winter light hits your favorite building - you'll start to realize how big those nuances were all along.
You'll collect them in your pockets, as one might collect lucky pennies. From time to time, you'll dig your hand into your "pocket" and feel the assortment - run your finger tips over their textures, you'll feel their weight and you'll dance them in your palm, taking small joy in the tinny sound they make for you. A collection of otherwise overlooked details that give you reason to pause and relish their quiet significance. Individually, they may not amount to much, but collectively, they'll make your life feel all the more rich. I promise.

Misha Nonoo top // Men's suspenders from Amazon // Roger Vivier heels (gifted, similar bow style here) // Brothers & Sisters beret
Photography by Marcus Richardson
Can you believe how far you’ve come? Like… I was reading your blog in San Francisco–back then I thought your content was dreamy! Now… it’s just beyond! And with the writing to accompany it… WOW! It’s like a feel so proud of you–as if I have some ownership of you which I do not in anyway! But you give us this gift and it’s just so special! Thank you Krystal. The words, the images, you take me somewhere else yet you remind me how to be.
Big HUG!