2 minute read

In my office, there's this awesome little vintage dress on display. I eye it every time I come in. I mean, every time.

From the dainty little lace details, to the pearl buttons, I just can't get enough of how freaking adorable it is.

Well, in light of Ms. Jessica's post over at What I Wore, I decided to try it on, you know, just to get it out of my system, so to speak.

I can just imagine going to the county fair in this number. Perhaps with a pair of gloves and uttering my best, "Well I do declare!" in a southern drawl, of course.

Now, I'm back, sitting at my desk eyeing the dress from across the room. Somehow, someway, I'll forget about you dress. Until then, you'll probably haunt my dreams. Sigh.

Dress: Light pink vintage dress with no label, borrowed temporarily from office
Shoes: Black wedges, Kenzie
Purse: Straw clutch, vintage

P.S. I'll have a regular outfit post hopefully later on today. So much to do before I leave for the Weardrobe Conference in NYC! Stoked!