4 minute read

  What happens when you take 21 fashionable girls and Craig Arend from Altamira out on the streets together? New Yorkers/tourists come to gawk, take pictures and generally stop traffic.

The lovely Christine of My Style Pill and Audrey of Homerun Ballerina strut their stuff for Craig.

Looking effortlessly chic, the lovely Kelly of The Glamourai has both beautiful girls of The Owls Are Not What They Seem, Joelle and Noel, at her side.

Abbey Road, anyone? Lucrecia of Fashion Is Poison, Brook of The Fashion Void That Is DC, Arabelle of Fashion Pirates and Tavi of Style Rookie recreate the iconic album cover. No one wanted to go barefoot, though.

Hey, she's cheating! I see those heels you're working there, Tavi!

By the end of the conference, everyone had a hair crush on Claire of Faboo. Myself included.

Brooke of The Fashion Void That Is DC and I decked out this mannequin in some Eryn Brinie clothes for a future window display. Lesson learned, getting plastic women dressed in cute outfits is much harder than it appears. Much harder.

Cool bubble dude in Soho.

Rich, co-founder of Weardrobe and one of the organizers for our awesome weekend, rocked the ties beautifully.

This is what Suzanne, co-founder of Weardrobe and one of the other organizers, looked like all weekend-peering out from behind a flip video camera or a camera. She's sneaky. Very sneaky.

I knew one of my shoes was missing part of the rubber sole at the bottom of the heel. What I didn't know was just how all the walking we did this weekend would eat up an entire two inches of the wooden wedge. No wonder I was walking with a limp!

Day three recap: Another whirlwind of a day. Started out in Soho for an early press brunch at Lure, where we met up with some editors from Glamour, Seventeen and Guest of a Guest to name only a few. Soon after, we literally walked outside where Craig Arend from Altamira snapped our photos in traffic, before garnering a small crowd of onlookers. It was a celeb moment, I have to admit.

Our next stop was Eryn Brinie, where we paired up to fully dress and style different mannequins for future window displays. Brooke of The Fashion Void That Is DC and I had fun practically dismantling our plastic lady and even more fun pretending to be a stylist for an afternoon.

Being in Soho, we naturally had to be set free at one point to shop of course. Luckily, the NY weather gods were kind to us and provided a cooler, slightly overcast day. Perfect with a slight breeze that led us straight to a blogging workshop with Rue La La and the Tumblr folks later on that day. Huge thanks to both for stopping by and chatting with us.

Wrapped up the evening with a slice of pizza and a beer with Katy of Kansas Couture and then caught a showing of "The September Issue" with the Weardrobe gang. Grace Coddington, I admire you. So much.

And here I am. Last night in Brooklyn, just had a delicious dinner with Jessica of What I Wore, and I don't want to leave. This has been one of the most incredible weekends of my life. And I'm sad to see it end. But to all the great ladies I met over the past several days, I'm so honored to have spent it with you.

So for that, thank you.