Dear Jessica, Rebecca, Tavi, Joelle and Noel, Katy, Christine, Lucrecia, Laurel, Fashion Pirates, Erin, Keiko, Claire, Amy, Brooke, Audrey, Kyla, Kelly and Style Magnet...
Just wanted to let all of you know that you have made it difficult, dare I say, impossible to pack for this weekend's Weardrobe conference.
Aside from that, my eyes kinda hurt now having linked 18 different blogs. Whew.
But back to packing. It's 8:28 p.m. as I type this. I leave for NYC tomorrow at 12:30 ish and I haven't a single thing packed. Nada. Zilch. Zippo!
I'm seriously contemplating the paper bag route here, ladies. You're a tough fashionable crowd. Tough crowd, indeed. Does anyone else feel like this is sorta the first day of school? And we're meeting our new classmates? And of course, the perfect outfit is in order?
Or am I the only nerd that thought about it like that?
Ha, either way, so excited to meet all of you and I cannot wait for this weekend of blogging, shopping, workshopping and photo taking to begin!
See ya'll soon!
have a fabulous weekend xoxox
Yeah, ditto to everything! I've finally accepted the fact that we're all going to look just like ourselves which has done us good so far.
Can't wait to meet you all!
Oh my gosh krystal…hahaha your room!!! I hope you have some outfits figured out because it's getting late! And please take a ton of pictures since I won't be able to go :(:(
You guys are all going to look great!!!!! SO FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have fun in new york!! annnnd i love that red cape from the last post 🙂
hey you shoudlnt be worried about it . i know their blogs you dress just as good as anyof them .. you'll look fantastic.
Eek! You spelled y'all wrong! I'll forgive you; you had important wardrobe matters to attend to.
Can't wait for all the photos and perspectives from the 19 of you!
And by tough crowd to please I mean… in my head. I'm worried I can't possibly pull myself up to your standards! So like I said, we're all in the same boat.
I AM SO NERVOUS. I'm trying to plan out what to wear each day but there is so much I want to bring that I'd have to change like, 4 times each day in order to wear it all. Or I could just load it all on at the same time & pull a Tavi haha 🙂 I definitely think this will be a tough crowd to please, but at the same time I think we're all in the same boat, so don'tchu worry your pretty little head.
<3 always,
Sara (aka stylemagnet)
I feel exactly the same way! I'm already bad at packing, but packing for this trip!?!?! Ahhhhh. I'm driving myself cuckoo, and my room looks very similar to yours right now. Anyway, you will undoubtedly look fabulous. See you soon!
LUCKY LUCKY GIRL!!!! have tons of fun and bring your readers back tons of pictures!!!!!!!!
yes! i've been thinking about this all week! fortunately, i don't have to make any suitcase committments for any of my clothes. i have a feeling it will all work out though. can't wait to meet you! you're getting to NYC today!! you should get in touch with me or joelle and we should meet up before friday! -noel
My dear, you would look lovely even in that paper bag!
wait, doesn't your room always look like that? totally jealous, btw. let's hang out when you get back.
Have a great time at the conference! You'll look great no matter what you choose to wear because you've got great taste and your great wardrobe can't do you wrong.
i know you can do it, have fun!
You said it perfectly. I have been likening this to the first day of school feeling! I'm excited but nervous. And I live here…so I don't even have to worry about packing. Can't wait to meet you!
-Keiko Lynn
hi, just wanted to say i love your blog! been following it for some time now. can't wait to read about your updates on the conference. would love to get some pointers on photo taking (needing help in that dept) and whatever else y'all learn. keep up the great outfits! 🙂