What happens when you casually mention to your mom that you really want a.) a denim vest and b.) something marching band uniform inspired ala the Balmain jacket that had everyone drooling? Somehow, as I found out the other day, she'll use the powers of the universe and her undeniable knack at thrift shopping (I blame my shopping addiction on her) to combine both desires into one super awesome, power vest.
Yes, if you can't tell, I am pleased.
Especially when most comments about this outfit relate back to Michael Jackson. Michael, this one is for you.
Vest: Vintage denim marching band vest, thanks again, Mom!
Shirt: Owl t-shirt, Urban Outfitters
Pants: Black leggings (quick question: how do you all feel about leggings worn clearly as pants?)
Shoes: Black, lace-up ankle boots, H&M
Jewelry: Gold knot necklace, Simply Vera
That vest, HOLY CRAP. Great find.
that is so cute. i would have never thought a denim vest could look so hip!
Like I said yesterday, I'm a fan of wearing leggings as pants. Personally, I wear a top that's long enough to cover my butt, but that's a personal preference.
Love that necklace!
Leggings worn as pants – totally OK as long as they aren't see-through @ the top is long enough to cover your lady parts! No one wants an anatomy lesson! 🙂
Love love the vest! Awesome find, good job mom. denim jackets and vests are the best, so easy to pair up with any outfit. 🙂
That vest is amazing!
Personally, I don't wear leggings worn as pants. I see them more as hosiery. But to each their own.
that necklace!!! oh my.
Sure thing! Haha, I've always wanted to find a way to create a community closet online. I know Weardrobe does something similar, but wouldn't it be cool if we could just shoot each other e-mails and arrange for clothing swaps? Like having roommates with cute clothes and who are willing to share. Oh the possibilities!
Ooh, I'm digging that gold knot necklace big time! Maybe we can do a swap?? 🙂
Wow. I love the vest! You really know how to pull an outfit together with the simplest of things. Great job!
Love the vest! As for leggings as pants I think it depends on the shirt. Long + flowy shirts work best.
That is awesome that your mom picked that vest out for you! Cute outfit and blog 🙂
Love the vest! Thanks for the comment!