Yes. You read right. Here in Nevada, we race camels. It's three parts classy, one part cheap laughs. Trust me.
Today, the boyfriend and I headed up to Virginia City, an old mining town complete with old saloon houses and artifacts like the "Suicide Table" where gamblers of yesteryear lost all their savings and, you guessed it, killed themselves.
Again, super classy and cheap laughs. With deals on Bloody Marys everywhere.
Back to the camel races though, I knew I was going to be running around taking photos so I needed something comfortable. And in all honesty, I blatantly copied Ms. Christine over at My Style Pill and one of her recent outfits, because, well I couldn't help myself. Thanks, Christine!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Shirt: Grey v-neck, American Apparel
Shorts: DIY jean cut offs, Levis
Shoes: Vintage jazz flats
Hat: Straw fedora hat, Peter & Grimm
Sunglasses: Tortoise shell sunnies, Fred Flare
Jewelry: Harmonica necklace, gift from the boyfriend
you have the most amazing tan! I am so envious. this outfit is lovely 🙂
you look too cute here.
WHAAAT?! i want, no, NEED to attend a camel race. i had no idea they existed but now that i do i'm not sure how i have lived without them. um, do camels go very fast? can you ride them? so many questions. love your outfit for the occasion- i'm especially fond of those nice broken-in woven shoes. ~joelle
Camel races? That is either the best idea ever…or the worst. Can't decide until I see it for myself…
wow cool shoes ! 😀
You look so adorable in the first pic! I love it! 🙂
Aren't you lucky! Camel races!
It seems I am living in the wrong spot.
Anyways, you look great, as always! And way to annotate your source…v. good!
great belt and shoes
Krystal, I LOVE this look! I'm so in love with it! And Camel racing???? Seriously?!? I need proof…… 😉
Camel race?? I've never even seen a camel… kidding, I've seen them at the zoo 😛
Love your fedora btw…
oh my gosh those shoes! love it!
you look so happy in the first photo — great shots!
That's too funny – I actually thought this was Christine's post when I saw it on Bloglovin'. Don't you love that there is endless inspiration from other fashion bloggers? You look fabulous and it sounds like an incredibly… uh… original day 🙂 Glad you had fun!
I love this outfit. It looks simple and comfortable but its still chic at the same time.
Aaa ha ha ha. When I saw this post in my RSS feed, I was like, "huh, Christine's shoes don't look like that…" It took me all the way until you admitted to copying her style before I figured out what was what.
wow, really nice, i love hat&shoes!
Hi! I am new to your blog. Great outfit. I am excited to read more!
I love this outfit, it's just so casually perfect.
love the simplicity, it looks very nice.
love this belt and shoes!!!!!!
I love, love, love your brown shoes! So cute!