Well, I did not mean to take a blogging hiatus this week but when it snows more than two feet, your Civic won't start because of a dead battery and temperatures average a good 2 degrees every morning, you wouldn't want to look cute either.
Today though the sun decided to grace us and I actually mustered enough strength to don tights, my new polka dot ones.
Except that's not really my main focus for this post. I really want to know if any of you guys have good sturdy, rolling racks? I'm not talking part plastic and part chrome (ahem, Walmart brand that broke the other night, thanks a lot!). I need entirely metal or chrome. I've been told to start scouring businesses that are going out of, well business but was wondering if there's any brand at say, Target or Staples that might work as well?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I'm currently living in a pile of clothes and hate the fact that I can't easily see everything hanging in a pretty row.
Ah, who am I kidding, I usually have a pile of clothes on the floor. I think I figured out my New Year's Resolution.
Shirt: Denim men's shirt, Gap
Skirt: Leather pencil skirt, vintage
Tights: Black sheer polka dot tights, American Eagle
Shoes: Black wedges, Aldo
VERY cool look! I love the skirt and you look fabulous wearing it. Keep the outfits with a leather skirt coming.
i agree with anyone/everyone that said target.
we even use them at modcloth! they're so sturdy and wonderful. much better than ikea.
Love the skirt! I saw a bunch at LA Rag the other day in Hollywood and wanted to buy it but wasn't sure what to do with it. Great inspiration 🙂
I need a rolling rack… good thinking!
ive loved ur blog 4 a while now!
absolutly stunning looks & photos!
i posted about u on my blog:
hope u like + dont mind! any feedback welcome xoxo
I have one from the Container Store that's pretty good.
V. Cute outfit btw.
love your outfit! nice touch with those tights.
i have two from ikea.
i have the cheapest one and the most expensive one. The cheap one doesn't roll, the expensive one does and i've had them both for about three years and they're doing just fine.
Hope you find something that works!
I've been wanting a denim shirt forever and I keep waiting to find one at Goodwill.
You should check ebay for industrial rolling racks!
Krystal! By now, I feel like a garment rack expert. I, too, have had breakages / repeated clothing avalanches thanks to faulty plastic racks. I do have one that has served me very well with no problems whatsoever, though! I got it at Target for $50. I don't remember the brand, but it's an "industrial" garment rack that's all metal / no plastic. I think last time I looked, they had raised the price to $60, but it's worth it!
even in the cold you look great!
xo Niki
great outfit!
i adore these tights!
I thought about creating this for awhile now but you know how it is other ideas keeps poping up.
I have been looking for this exact skirt for weeks. Aaaah!
Mine isn't rolling, but I have a super-sturdy chrome one from IKEA that was only $30? Hope that helps !
Your skirt is wonderful!
I have this one. It's super sturdy. Also, love the denim/ leather combo.
i bought mine from robertham.com. they are the real deal and worth paying the shipping.
I just cant have enought of your amazing blog. your syle is stunnig!
In one word – WOW!
i love the denim and leather look together!
Graet skirt, gerat shirt & great tights.
I got my rolling rack at Ikea… I like it.
great look, i really need a leather skirt in my life
Clothes Are Cute
WOW! you look so fine! <3
Hmmmm, I'm in retail and we only source from shopfitters but maybe you should google online 2nd hand traders?Sorry can't help you with an actual answer.
Really like this outfit…the skirt, shirt, tights, the whole she-bang!