Coffee shop mode with a braid! And loving my new headphones. Now, no one ever again has to wonder whether or not I'm listening to music (ear buds always get covered by my hair). Outfit post to come. Loving this Sunday! Super productive!
Headphones: Oboe headphones in gold, Urban Outfitters
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oh! are those wesc?! 🙂
wesc oboe headphoooooones.
they're good but be careful 🙁 they're not super durable!
btw you're adorableeee! 🙂
I know exactly what you mean, people will talk to me, when I cannot hear anything at all…..
Chanel http://spectrachics.onsugar.com/
I love those headphones, I've been meaning to get a pair!!!!
lovelu glasses!!
I love the side braid on you!
I like the sunglasses! Urban is sold out of the earphones already! 🙁
-Jane @ Brunch at the Beach
lol great post! and cute braid.