Decided to try out a different sun hat this past weekend. Normally when circumstances don't allow for a completely washed head of hair, the fedora gets pulled out. This time, I wanted to try a more picnic-ready/Madeline look. Yes, I just referenced the little French girl heroine of yesteryear. She was cute, wasn't she? Perhaps that's partially why I pulled out my satchel-esque bag today, too. To skip on cobble stone streets off to a boarding school somewhere.
If only.
Hope everyone had a lovely weekend. And while we're on the subject of weekend activities, is anyone else completely smitten with "500 Days of Summer"? I've seen it twice now, as it just released this past weekend in Reno.
And as I type this, I'm listening to the soundtrack.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, please marry me now. Kthanx.
Hat: Vintage straw sun hat
Dress: Baby doll slip dress, Silence & Noise
Slip: Black slip, vintage
Shoes: Gladiator heels, Simply Vera
Bag: Leather satchell bag, vintage
This seems to be a great site for Portable Pools, Plastic Pools,Sun Hats, Water Footwear, Queen Airbed With Pump.I had been relying on http://www.togga.co.uk earlier and they too offered good stuff.
Love your cute claddah ring girl! YAY!
gorgeous outfit, you look fabulous!
Hey Krystal–Looky!
It's you! 😀
that dress is so awesome! the shoes go so well with it, and then the hat mixes things up a bit- madeline gone bad 😉 ~joelle
Ooh! I'm loving that Silence & Noise dress with those gladiators. Cuuuuute! And I'm dying to see 500 Days of Summer. Didn't know it was out yet! Thanks for giving me an activity to do this week. 😉
right now it's so hot out that i'd want to live in that dress. it looks perfect. and all of your hats are making me work up the nerve to try one out. you make it look so easy! – noel
your hat is darlin'
This outfit is killer! Way to rock it. I haven't seen that movie yet, but anything with Zooey looks worth it.
Love this look. The hat goes so well with the dress…and are those Simply Vera Wang heels? They look amazing on you!
I would maybe, just maybe, do something slightly illegal for that dress. Yes, it's that awesome.
And at your rec, I will check out 500 Days of Summer. :0)
Oh what a cute hat! Love it and I adore the satchel/bag you have there:)
I have a crush on Joseph Gordon-Levitt since his 10 things days:P
i haven't seen 500 days of summer yet, but i really want to. 🙁
I love the vintage hat! I always utilize hats for Saturday mornings, when I am too lazy to wash my hair!
I am actually getting ready to go see 500 Days of Summer in about 20 minutes! I am glad to hear it was so good! 🙂
I love how cute this look is!
My sister and I adored Madeline too.
The print on that dress is so adorable!! And I LOVE the Madeline reference…cute as a button. I haven't seen 500 Days… yet, but I'm dying to!
love the hat and shoes! i've seen the same heels on jessica of what i wore and i've been having shoe envy for a while now!
p.s lol at the little toe sticking out the side of your shoe in the last photo, hehe.
you look absolutely beautiful with that hat, well done 🙂
Love your hat Krystal!!
Hii Krystal! :] I love your cognac colored bag! It's super cute!
Adore your blog! I was wondering if you wanted to exchange links? Your style is amazing.
hm hats can defintely be your thing! you look great . yes we love 500 days. every blogger is loving it ive noticed
the movie was fantastic and i downloaded the soundtrack too! it's great
love the hat! i wish i could pull them off
you're cheating on your fedora?! i'm shocked. tho this hat does go better with the dress.
oooh the slip/dress combo is awesome. Very summery and sexy! and who doesn't love a cute little french girl?
i love this dress:)it looks amazing on you!
I want to see that movie really bad!!:)
LOVE the outfit!! I adore the hat! I've always wanted a sun hat, but it seems that everyone but me has found the perfect one!:):) 😉
Beautiful outfit! What a lovely hat and sandal heels! Love them <3! ^^