So if you've been reading this blog since Day 1 (let's face it, no one was reading it back then, including myself) you might recall that this time last year, I was preparing for an epic weekend of Coachella madness. My friend Cortney and I braved the long car ride from Reno, camped for the whole weekend and I ended up getting a second degree burn due to my sunscreen stubbornness. All in the name of Sir Paul McCartney and Leonard Cohen.
It's weird to think that was only a year ago. Needless to say, much has changed since then and needless to say, after tomorrow's rent check gets made out, I'm not in the same financial situation to attend.
That's why I bring you my "I wish I was going to Coachella" collection, via one of my lovely sponsors Shopbop and their featured L.A. designer, Of Two Minds. All the lacey, flowy shapes make me wish for those open polo fields and a weekend of no cares. Oh, and sandals and braids and flowers. Yes. That's a lot of hippie/indie.
And to top that off, I'm listening to Coachella playlists, courtesy of my friend Clay and his musical tease of a blog.
Now, back to packing my entire closet. No outfit post when your life is in bags, folks.
Voile & Lace Cami, Of Two Minds
Stretch Lace Corset Top, Of Two Minds
Zebra Print Dress, Of Two Minds
Lace Sweatshirt, Of Two Minds
Voile & Lace Long Dress, Of Two Minds
Shopbop is a lovely sponsor of This Time Tomorrow.
ugh I hear ya girl.. broke = no fun. but it's a chance to get thriftier, ya know? I've definitely spent more time between the racks at the Salvation Army this year;D
In other news, lace sweatshirt = perfection.
xx, Melanie // LightsSoBright
gorgeous pieces, i understand being financially strapped! but at least you are living the spirit of coachella! xoxo
I love that zebra print dress! Even though I didn't realize it was zebra print until I saw the description. haha. LOVE Shopbop. Great sponsor!
-Jane @ Brunch at the Beach
I was just eyeing the zebra dress today.
i love the zebra print dress!
Beautiful collection!
oh dang, that zebra dress is calling my name! its just so cute!
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that white dress is the perfect little number for summer!
home jobs india
i've been a fan of shopbop before they became the mega e-commerce site known for their go-to lookbooks. every one of the pieces on their site is so amazing. siiiiigh. i wish i could go to coachella but its getting SO expensive.
oh my goodness… that white dress is the perfect little number for summer!
I love the lace sweatshirt…and to Alyson above…last years ACL was great as far as the performers go, but the weather and muddy grounds made me want to stay home…
I love that white dress! Gorgeous!!!
growing up sucks, indeed. i want that zebra print dress!
I think Ben Folds said it best, "It sucks to grow up." Since I attended my first Austin City Limits music festival in 2005, I've been dying to get back. One day…
I want lace and military jacket!
…I think I just salivated on my spacebar. Yum.
-Kiki xo