On days like these (read: on days when we get over a foot of snow over the course of several hours) I like to a.) work from home because I drive a Honda Civic and don't have any desire to wait for AAA to dig me out of snow banks b.) pump my space heater directly at my feet c.) listen to Cat Power's "The Covers Record" over and over again.
What do you guys like to do on snow days?
Jacket: Navy blue blazer, Urban Outfitters
Shirt: Pink bow tie blouse, Gap
Jeans: Dark rinse skinny jeans, BDG
Boots: Tan riding boots, vintage
Jewelry: Pearl necklace, Forever 21
Gloves: Grey knit gloves, Walmart
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women's shoes
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we never have snow days in San Francisco… but these photos make me reeeally want one (even though I loathe cold weather). Love your blog. Two new followers 🙂
Looks like you were having a great time playing in the snow! You look lovely in pink, you should wear it more often!
Wow…now that's snow!
Love the necklace against the hot pink!
Your blouse is the perfect pink!
I really like your style!
Cool blog!
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Click here to go to Malu’s Fashion!
Click here to go to Malu’s Fashion!
Beautiful necklace! The snow looks like fun! – Natalya of Wear Necessities
ohmygod, ohmygod. You got snow!!??? I am SO JEALOUS! All london gets is some crappy ew rain. damn =) Oh, and i love your blog, and style. That jacket is killer….
Panda xx
*follows you*
Gorgeous pictures! Love that top- they color is beautiful on you!
Love your outfit, especially the pearls.
I'm jealous of your snow days – we don't get any in Florida.
Your backyard looks about like mine. I love to spend my snowy days inside reading and playing with my cats. Not today though, I had to work. Sad day.
SO jealous of the snow! I am going to have to wait until I am in Ohio for the holidays to have the change to experience any!
You look adorable!
Last year was the first time in ages we had proper snow in England. I hibernated! I don't know how to drive in snow!!
ah, snow! <3
I adore the color of that top. AMAZING.
But my, you must have been freezing 🙂 xxx Camilla
wow, we got snow- but nowhere nearly as much as you! I'm jealous! On snow days I love cranking the heat, listening to Maine Public Radio, working in my studio, and taking snuggle breaks with my cats. Snow days are my favorite type of weather!
gorgeous outfit
i don't know if i should love or hate snow
oh your Monday sounded perfect, full of tomfoolery! I love how the pink pops in the snow!
First I have to say: I love your pink shirt! it's amazing with the neckless!
and I like so much the pictures!
where do you live? because the snow!;) sorry I'm so gossip!haha!
xoxo darling!
gorrrgeous pearls!
Some hot cocoa or egg nog is always my fave part of snow days!
yer perty
gorgeous as always darling
love it, great inspiration
thanks for sharing
check out my blog @
Now this is what I call snow. My sad little snow day pictures pale in comparison!!!
i love working from home… although i can get kinda lazy and only work for maybe 2 hours. hahaha…
i like snowboarding on snow days =)
cute outfit. you're not freeezing??!!
I like to snuggle up and listen to Bon Iver.
Oh my gosh, that snow looks WONDROUS! I'm totally in awe.
amazing pics.
i love your hairstyle.
Your necklace is perfect with that top.
I don't live in snow area but it's definitely freezing (for So. California standards;)So the heater pumping is definitely a must!
Jealous and love your pics! Pearls are perfect for snow.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
Charmed giveaway!
i'm so jealous of all the snow you're getting! and i'm loving that necklace against the pink of your top 🙂
We had some snow in Boston last weekend and I love it!Love your pink bow tie blouse and your necklace! So cute!
Beautiful in the snow! I love it!
ERGGGGGGGH. I am way too jealous of you right now.
Fun snow pics! Love that necklace.
Snow day = Fun day
If I had a snow day, I'd be keen on wearing my bathrobe and slippers all day, not showering until 4:30 and watching a marathon while cuddling with my cats. Heaven.
As it may sound, I don't get a lot of days off…
I wish I had that much snow!! Love your coat!
If it actually snowed here I would build a snowman. I've never gotten a chance to build one that wasn't 3 inches tall. Oh and make snow angels.
These pictures are lovely! I wish we had more snow here, I would be exactly what you're doing- playing in the snow. And then drinking lots of hot chocolate. 🙂
I like to drink candy cane hot chocolate on snowy days.
p.s. I love the outfit as well!
Whoa, you Renoites don't eff around with your weather. You look fab! On my snow days, I drink copious amounts of tea, watch my favorite shows, and wear lambswool slippers all day.
You look fab. I love the pink peeking out from under the dark colors! – JoAnn
boo, I've never seen snow but your outfit looks good given the weather!
Cat Power is soo good btw.
Jealous of the snow!!!!
Suchhh cute pictures! I adore that necklace!
That looks amazing!!! I love how the bright pink looks in all that white fluffy snow!! I wish we got that much snow here!