2 minute read

And the blazer collection continues. To the point I think I may have a problem. Here's the convo Suz and I had in Zara, minutes before the purchase of this khaki beauty:

Me: I dunno. Maybe I have too many blazers?
Suz: OK. How many colors do you have?
Me: A couple black ones, a navy one, a pink one, a white one… (counting on my fingers while juggling a pile of clothes)
Suz: And now a khaki one?
Me: And now a khaki one.
Suz: You don't have a grey one. You're fine. Get it. (As she walks away mid sentence, attracted by a pretty dress nearby.)

And that folks, is how I spent too much money (and too much time staring off into space while counting on my fingers in the middle of Zara) this weekend. For the sake of my pocketbook and pride, I hope boyfriend blazers don't go WAY out of style within the next couple of years. I think I may need to start living in them.

If that story didn't entertain you (let's face it, it probably didn't), check out my friend Jordan's post about his love of tea and Lady Gaga. Yes. All in the same post. Because why not?

Dress: Floral dress, vintage
Blazer: Khaki blazer, Zara
Shoes: Black cage heels, Beacon's Closet