Alright, so I know I've been honing in on "My So-Called Life" looks lately (with the flannel, extensive use of jean and black, black black) but in my defense, I couldn't help it with this dress.
Again, this little spine inspired number is on loan from the Weardrobe Closet and in all honesty, isn't something I would normally pick out for myself. But sometimes, when life throws you fashion curve balls, you make a black spine dress lemonade. Too many cliche metaphors, I know. My journalism professors are no doubt cringing in their sleep at the very thought of that previous sentence existing somewhere in the cosmos. But worse things have happened to the English language I guess. I mean, Lauren Conrad has a book published. Need I say more?
Back to the dress, though. I'd like to think that Kate Moss could rock these looks, very rocker-ish, mod-ish, Moss-ish. But then again, what can't she pull off?
Dress: Mary Meyer spine dress (from the Weardrobe Closet!)
Shoes: Black lace-up ankle boots, H&M
Flannel: Old Navy
Vest: DIY men's jean vest
Jewelry: Multi-layered silver necklace, Kohls
I love how you've paired it with the denim vest. Claire Danes circa 1994 better watch her back!
Now here's the real question, is there really anything wrong with finding My-so-called life inspiring..I think not:)
also, love the sidewalk chalk addition.
Lauren Conrad's book is actually good. Here's another cliche metaphor, dont judge a book by its cover.
Wow, you always look so amazing!
I think you totally totally pulled this off! Love the background of these pics:)
I wish I had the balls to wear a dress like this. So hot!
And don't apologize for rocking the My So Called Life look — it's a classic for our generation! 🙂
Your blog is fantastic, dare I say it may be one of my new fav's. That dress is awesome, you maybe should add it to the list of things you would normally buy because you totally ROCK it!
I like the flannel best.
if you give jake a heart attack in his sleep i would be very depressed. also, you have to show me where some of your photo shoot locations are. i like how short dresses with long sleeves look on you, btw.
maybe not something i would buy myself either but would like if ssomeone bought if for me .
lol @ LC
That dress is amazing! It's so versatile-dress it up dress it down. And I love how you paired it with short boots! My legs and ankles are skinny, it's hard for me to find boots that aren't huge on me. :] I like your blog!
you are so creative… I'm so jealous right about now! I'm loving the looks, especially the one with the flannel!!
I love your style, but could never pull it off! This dress didn't go into the law office did it? ;)More power to you if it did. I don't know if you saw my response on my blog to your question, but no, I'm not an attorney-just lowly support staff 🙂 btw, I'm loving the blue trim on the door and the chalkiti (chalk graffiti) bricks!
I love your blog, so glad I found it! I also love this photo shoot you had. Love how it says rock and roll on the bricks…(did you do that?) Fab! Also totally dig this look on you, you rocked it lady!