All photos by Caro Ramirez
I've been practically sitting on my hands, waiting to reveal this fun photo shoot Refinery29 did with some of us stylish gals on campus and now look at me, already a few days behind! If you haven't checked it out yet, I recommend you do, if nothing else for a fun little peek into the at-times strange place that is the Google campus out in Mountain View. A few of my lovely coworkers and I cruised around with the Refinery29 crew showing them the sights, the food and, yes, even the 7-person conference bike. Interested? Then I suggest you click, click, click!
In other news, I will be announcing a winner later today for my Sachin + Babi giveaway, so you have a few hours left to enter. (So what are you waiting for, scoot!)
UPDATE: The Sachin + Babi giveaway is now closed. Click here to see if you won!
Great article about you and the Google Ladies!! Sounds like you found the perfect job 🙂
I LOVED this article. I have such job envy now. What a great place to work. You all looked gorgeous. There's no way I would be able to avoid the Google-15.
Doux Rousse
Love it! You all look fantastic!
xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com
Toooo cute!
Ohh, what a beautiful dress! <3 I love the pleated detail!
Lost in the Haze
How cool! Keep up the great work!
Amazing article! So cool to work at Google with such interesting people! Of course, I'm a university professor, so I get excited by such things…LOL!! By the way, I love your pleated dress 🙂
Nice article on all of you, what a fun place to work at – you look amazing that dress!
Amazing dress! I love color blocking!
great dress!
Holy horses I want to work there! All of your ladies are so stylish! I'm excited to have some new blogs to follow.
Where is that darling dress from? In love! Great feature.
looks like fun and i love the outfits!
– teeney
Heading over to have a look now !
how awesome! sounds like such a great place to work!
Your outfit in these pics is absolutely gorgeous. And that bike is amazing. What a great perk.
I loved this feature! So fun to get a sneak peak of the campus and of course you stylish ladies! xx
love the pictures♥