2 minute read

True story: I originally intended to take today's outfit pictures in front of (surprise, surprise) a painted and graffiti covered wall but happened to stumble upon the backside of this old, used book store en route. The storage shed was open and I couldn't help but peek in at racks and racks of used books, sprawled notes indicating what each row contained and cardboard boxes lining the already busting at the seams space. 

Of course, I stopped to appreciate. First, I checked their fiction section for any old, musky smelling Hemingway. No dice. Second, I set up tripod shop and snapped a few photos, that is until the somewhat disgruntled book shop employee came out for a cigarette break, who tripped up a bit when he realized he wasn't alone with the books. His name was John. He had somewhat messy bed head dark hair and had a brooding demeanor about him. 

The entire time of our limited conversation that consisted of "Hey, how's it going?" I couldn't help but imagine how much our situation seemed like the beginning of a cliche romantic, indie film. Girl who likes taking photos of somewhat obscure book stores meets slightly introverted and quiet book shop boy. 

Right up Ms. Zoey Deschanel's alley, right? 

Tank top: Cream colored racer back, Old Navy
Skirt: Floral pencil skirt, Charlotte-Russe
Bra: Black bandeau bra, Charlotte-Russe
Shoes: Black wedges, Kenzie
Purse: Black Chanel wannabe, vintage
Bow: Black satin bow, Target