Overalls: Vintage Lee (similar style here); Blazer: Zara (similar style here); Shirt: Zara; Heels: Zara; Bag: Zara; Sunglasses: Ray-Ban; Jewelry: H&M necklaces, Mynamenecklace.com name plate necklace, Michael Kors watch, assorted gifted bangles
My 90s childhood called -- and it wants its overalls back. Truth be told though, it was great rediscovering just how comfortable overalls are, not to mention, their overabundance of pockets is a godsend! Perfect for spare change, my phone, Dr. Pepper chapstick and pogs. Yep, everything a girl could need.
I’ve been wearing overalls-baggy, oversized overalls-since jr high school, and I’m 34 now. Pro tip: it isn’t for everyone, but try wearing super-loose, big overalls commando! Trust me I’ve never felt as “free” as I do when I wear my overalls sans-panties, although I still wear a bra. I actually met my husband while wearing overalls (old school Old Navy overalls), what sealed the deal for him was the first time he found out that the only thing between my butt and the outside world was a thin, soft piece of old worn Devin!
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nameplate necklaces
This is a total "Man Repeller" look – I love it! 🙂
I just bought a pair as well 🙂
xo Jennifer
OMG. I just LOLed at your Pogs comment — don't forget your slammer!
These look so great! I've been debating whether or not to get these from Gap (http://www.gap.com/browse/product.do?searchCID=25781&vid=1&pid=889155&scid=889155002), but after seeing how chic they can look here I might just take the plunge.
This look is great, love it, and the fact you mentioned pogs, newest followers! ha
Sarah & Kristina
o.m.g. i LOVE this!!!
getting a pair…
You would be the person to pull off overalls. How do you do it?! They honestly look so chic. Amazing.
Rebecca (hearts)…
I had a hot pink slammer with a Lisa Frank sticker on it. I called it my "lucky slammer"….. but in reality, it sucked. Oh, the innocent self delusions of youth….
Oh my god, amazing!! I totally had these in short and long, and in various colors, in the 90's. I'm totally in love with how you've resurrected them! 🙂
pogs? haha. holy 1990. I really think they look cute though! Overalls get a bad rap…i think they can be stylish and sexy~
Allways Perfect, love your looks. Kiss
you wear those so well!
i knew these would be back!
OVERALLS! I wore a pair almost everyday in grade 9. Wow. I like the update with the blazer and stacked jewelry.
I was just saying yesterday how I need to get my hands on some overalls! Bringing back the 90s…love it.
So Cool! Love this new look 🙂
is something different and nice !! 🙂
So unexpected – the heels with the overalls!
Have to admit so surprised to see you wearing the overalls but I have to say like always you rocked it!
Super cute look! Love the blazer! So fun!
Such a fun look! I loved pogs… had the best slammer on the block!
xo, Megan
Inspiring and great fashion concepts!
love the overalls! you managed to make them so stylish : ) very inspiring!
xo SideSmile,
The overalls looks so stulish on you! You inspired me to buy a pairfor myself! http:// violetcatstyle.blogspot.com/
POGS! HAHAHAH! I love it! Man… those used to be THE THING! 🙂
YES! Someone else who wears overalls!
I"m pretty sure only you could pull these off! They look darling tho!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this blazer! :))
i really like this outfit!!!!
Only you could rock overalls and make them look good!
Bahaha o my pogs! Those were the days weren't they?
Love it, overalls are awesome!
Such a cool look!
So adorable, great way to dress overalls.
ha at the 'pogs'!x
i need overalls.
can't believe you managed to make denim-overalls look so chic!! love this look!
You definitely pull-off those overalls well, love your hint of personal nostalgia.
love your blazer!
These are fantastic.
xo Camilla
Into The Fold
p.s check out the giveaway on my blog! 🙂
How do you manage to pull off every trend so well!?? I think this is the best I've seen them look! 🙂
Ahhh pogs, I haven't thought about those in a long time! LOL..and SLAMMERS! 😀 hehehehe love the overalls- you make them look good!
xo Kayla
Omg You can even make overalls look fab!
love how you styled these overalls – perfection!
omg…pogs!!! I saw the man repeller sporting these in the shorts version…you gals are very persuasive! I need to find a pair!
LOVE!!!!!! I think that only you could make Overalls look this good!!! Oh, and I still wear Dr.Pepper chapstick BUT I traded in my pogs decades ago.
Happy Tuesday!!
You make these overalls very fashionable.
You make dungarees look so classy!
Would love you to stop by my blog & check out my latest outfit post!
Happy Tuesday Hun xoxo
love your look !!
Wow I LOVE the overalls. Tomboyish but at the same time very chic. Pairing them with the white blazer and heels brings a great balance to the outfit.
You make OVERALLS look awesome. This is ridiculously cool.
The white blazer and stripe top underneath keeps it modern.
I love that you can even make overalls look fabulous!
GARDENER pants, very nice
jacket and bag are great 🙂
I've really been dreading the return of this article of clothing, but look how cute you made overalls look!
hahaha, pogs! i remember those 🙂 these look really good on you, love it! x
You would make overalls look awesome!
Lovely bag and blazer!
oh wow… i haven't worn overalls since middle school, but it looks so cute on you!
oh my goodness so cute! the heels totally make them grown up appropriate!
in dramatic fashion
haha, they look really cute on you! I would never v-be able to pull them off! x
i was JUST talking about how badly i want to wear overalls again. or shortalls. preferably in a pastel from gap kids.
Love this mix of an old trend!
wow I absolutely ADORE this. Definitely one of my favorite outfits.
How did you make overalls look so chic!? 🙂
~Natasha Fatah~
~Natasha Fatah~
I swear, only you could make me envious of overalls! You look fab
You look so chic! The last time I rocked overalls (back in my tween years) they only made me look stumpy but with your example, I may have to reconsider!
You totally rock those overalls, girl! Love how you dressed it up a bit with the classy heels and blazer.
the overall looks super cute! you looked like you are having so much fun taking these pictures!
xo, Tina
they look really comfortable and it works so well with that chic blazer!