I'm currently nursing these boots back to life after underestimating how mucky the above pictured mud was.
Any tips for cleaning suede? Anyone? Help!
As for my current locale, yes, still in Nevada, not NYC. This week didn't quite work out flight scheduling wise, but I'm shooting for the last week of January. Thanks for all your well wishes for the interviews and while I'm at it, does anyone in the city need a roommate?? I'm clean, love pets (if you have them, I don't have any myself) and just need a little (OK, a lot) of closet space, but that's negotiable. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail! I'd love to hear from you.
Also, thanks guys for the blog feedback. I received quite a few requests for my face sans sunglasses. So here it is. In all it's (goofy) glory.
Hope you're all having a wonderful Monday!
Jacket: Leather biker jacket, H&M
Dress: White ruffled dress, thrifted, no brand name
Boots: Black suede over-the-knee boots, Topshop
nice post love it
Leather Biker Jacket
You are gorgeous.
you have an amazing style !! seriously you caught me at first sight sweety with these cool black boots.
Melinda D. Robinson
knee anatomy
I absolutey love your look, rock edge paired with romantic femininty. Love your blog http://www.sheisobsessed.blogspot.com
you look great sans sunglasses too!
i run into your blog today and i LOVED IT.
ill keep coming back. for more!
i never loved anyone's style more, thats what ive been looking for.
the dress is amazing… i was searching for a dress to accompagne my perfecto… thx for the inspiration
lovely outfit! great pics too
I love this look…Its sexy, rock and roll and sweet all in one. What more could you ask for?
I'm always so scared to wear over the knee boots. You totally pull them off and give me hope! Love this look. Your hair looks fab too!
wicked cute. love the dress/necklace/boots
Your dress is the cutest! Love the contrast with that and the black..
Your so pretty!
and that dress! arg. amazing. xxx
I'm moving to NY too! Starting the job hunt this week… scary! I plan to scope out places this weekend in Brooklyn… if/when I find a place, I will totally need a roomie! Let me know how your search goes. 🙂
perfect again! i love black and white
Love the hard/soft contrast of this outfit. Lovely.
I really like this dress!! Great find!
You can never go wrong with ruffles and leather.
I always spray my suede boots with spray you can pick up at a shoe store! It kind of repels water and mud and what not! And I love this outfit. The exact outfit I really want to create! Love the feminine with the rocker elements!
i love the dress with those boots and the jacket, awesom outfit!
I think the easiest way to clean mud off the suede is go buy a suede brush. They usually have a brush on one side and a rubber eraser type thing on the other. Let the mud completely dry on the boot, use the brush to brush away all the particals gently. Then use a damp soft cloth and BLOT any leftover spots. Don't rub, you could rub any die out and damage the mat of the leather. Let that dry, clean thew brush and brush out the matt.
Also, I LOVE that dress, it's just gorgeous. I like how you mixed the feminine ruffles with black leather.
You look fab and you make me wanna get a fringe! xx
ohmygosh! a thrift store find! that dress is amazing!
That dress is A-mazing! I have a thing for white dresses, especially ones with frills. Great outfit!
Just found your blog and im very glad about that.
This looks, i love it so much…
*do u mind to exchange link?
If the brush alone fails I would try Ugg cleaner. Its made for both sheepskin and suede and cleaned the salt off some of my boots, including mu Uggs. Its also comes with a protecter that is supposed to help prevent.
Beautiful dress & whole outfit is very nice:) I see that you change your old poses & plces:D Great!
& the picture where you are smiling is the best!!:)
Almost any stiff bristle will remove the dried mud from your boots.
Did I mention that I love your dress!
luv, Prefecta
your style is the shizz! lol this blog rules.
In that first pic, it looks like your literally IN the mud… like quicksand mud haha. I was thinking oh no those shoes must be ruined beyond belief.
Lahv, lahv, lahv this outfit. You are so adorable without the glasses. That sounded way more stalkerish than I intended. I'm sure you will find a room mate, but if you find them through your blog, you might have to share your clothes. i know that would be my rule. ur wardrobe is awesome!
Love the outfit!Suede brush for sure.For pen marks on suede coats ->sandpaper.Great to see you sans glasses.
Love the dress.
And that happened to my now old suede sandals, I walked in the rain while wearing them and they are forever gone 🙁
I love that dress! Annie.
OMG that dress was brought down to you from the thrifting gods. I'm loving it and the jacket paired with it is amazing!
Look at you, smiling and lookin' right at the camera! So cute!! And I love these pics. The background is great and the outfit is, of course, stunning.
love the boots and dress!
that dress is to die for!! so cute
You should take pictures without sunglasses more! I'm digging the new locations as well. Is that H&M jacket a recent purchase?? I've been searching for a good leather jacket and haven't been able to find one that isn't cropped and weird…lovely dress too!
Your face is great without the sunglasses!!:):) I like the one where you are smiling!!:)
Awesome pictures. I love the sexiness of the boots paired with the girly dress.
I don't know how to clean suede….. but you look awesome in this! 🙂 I love love love that dress! Fabulous!
Definitely let is dry first and then brush it off.
And you look beautiful sans sunglasses!
There are suede cleaning shoe brushes – they are kind of rubbery. You should wait until the mud dries and then brush it off.