It's baaaacccck. Return of the white blazer. You guys missed it, huh? Granted, it probably wasn't the most practical outfit layer as it was unbearably hot outside today (you can usually tell just by how gross my bangs get after a quick ride in the car), but this vintage find did manage to keep me nice and comfortable in the AC blasting office building.
Of course, after getting into my car to drive home from work, I promptly ripped the jacket off my body for fear of heat stroke. I figured that would be a tough ticket to explain my way out of:
Me: "Sorry officer, due to a combination of sweat trickling into my eyes and a severe case of heat delirium, I thought that red light really was green."
Officer: "Ma'am, are you high?"
Me: "No, officer."
Officer: "Then why the hell are you wearing so many layers?"
Blazer: White blazer, vintage
Shirt: Blue and white striped button down shirt, vintage Ralph Lauren
Leggings: Black leggings, Target
Shoes: Cut out jazz flats, Urban Outfitters
Jewelry: Gold multi-layer necklace, random bracelets, Charlotte-Russe
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love those shoes!
You work that blazer like it owes you… as always, your posts make me giggle…
Love this look. The striped collard shirt with the leggings and cream blazer is the perfect combo! Great job lady!
such a simple, classic look!
I'd pretty much live for those shoes. 😀 And the blazer/striped shirt look is simply awesome.
oh the things we endure for fashion . ilove the way you are moving towards fall with this .
iwill do this same . you have officially inspired me today . heat be damned!
LOL! You are hilarious. I would have loved to have seen that transpire.
I love the leggings with the shirt.
I love having conversations with myself and other people who are not there at the time. My husband hates it!
Love the untucked button-up with the loose blazer… sooo laidback and cool. And I'm anticipating a huge love affair with leggings this fall! Not that leggings are anything new, but I think I'm going to sport them way more than ever before. You wear them just right with this look. Rock on!
i did indeed miss this white blazer because i am in love with it. you have so many great jackets that i covet! and i really love the jazz flats too. i like all forms of dancewear-inspired footwear and these are especially good because of the cut-outs. ~joelle
Ha ha thats hilarious… You should have written down your blog and told him to check it out. Then he will understand lol.. I love the shirt and blazer combo! Don't worry fall is right around the corner you can layer up all you want. lol.
haha,,,can totally imagine this situation with officer..and if he was double dumb..you could might have some adventure in jail, hehe :D…love your outfit…the blazer is great
The white blazer wit the shirt is really chic. I love this ensemble.
Niceee ;D I love this blazer!
Greetings xxx
I loveloveLOVE the shoes!!!!! And I love that you paired the baggy shirt and blazer with skintight leggings…it makes for a great silhouette.
amazing outfit! love ur blazer and shoes! gorgeous ^^
Love the blazer and shirt together!
🙂 that was good!! I like the shirt, I have to find similar here in Bulgaria… I know it will be hard…
lovely flatss!
haha…maybe its just a sign that you are itching for fall. i know i am..i miss my boots!
lovvvvvvve this blazer tho. very cool