MILTDL: (noun); pronounced milt-i-dle; colloquial acronym; stands for Mom I'd Like To Dress Like:
1.) American slang-Common usage: A mother with impecable style that is admired by many
See: Judy Aldridge of Atlantis Home
synonyms: chic mama, stylish madre
As you can see, I am blatantly copying one of Ms. Aldridge's looks, minus the Stella shoes, Y-3 leather skirt and her infamous Pamela Love claw necklace. Actually, minus anything designer. So really, my outfit can't even touch her outfit with a 30 foot pole. Sigh. I tried though. Can't blame me for that.
Shirt: Plaid flannel, from boyfriend's closet
Skirt: Leather pencil skirt, vintage
Shoes: Yellow strappy gladiator heels, Nine West
Jewelry: Gold, multi-layer chain necklace
VERY COOL! I think this is my second favorite look for you.
awsome look!
dayum! that leather skirt is GREAT. i just posted my faux-suede skirt, and as i put it on i was thinking 'i really wish i had a black leather skirt instead'. you have convinced me i NEED to find one asap.
i love your plaid shirt too! it's nice your boyfriend will let you borrow it- you must be the most fashionable couple 😉 -joelle
love the boyfriend shirt
great outfit, love the colors !! and this leather skirt is prfection !
I am OBSESSED with that shirt!! Go figure it's the boyfriends… But really, you should ask him where it's from. If I could go out and buy it, I totally would!
What a great homage! I love Judy's style, too. 🙂
And that necklace is stunning. Where's it from??
she certainly is a MILTDL! though dare i say i like your take on it more 🙂
Hi Krystal, I loved this look so much that I used it for my "Daily Style Inspirations" post today!
find it here: http://orchidgrey.blogspot.com/2009/08/daily-style-inspirations.html
psst…I like your look better!
that plaid is delicious! i actually just went through a pile of plaid shirts my boyfriend was throwing out and salvaged them. this gives me some good ideas of what to do with them.
great outfit, like your necklace
i love her blog . you look just as good in this as her
This outfit is so cute and I think it is easy for people who are fortunate enough to afford designer clothes to dress chic but it says a lot when an average person on a budget can dress just as good … maybe even better. You have great style!!
You just know exactly what looks amazing on you. It's kind of incredible, actually. I LOVE this whole thing. Oh, and I went with a Canon point-and-shoot, but only until I save up enough for the real thing. Thanks for the tip, beautiful!
I think you look amazing! I'm going to agree with what Linda said and that you do definitely have the eye for pieces. I love how you put things together but it's not something boring. It definitely says something :]
i love that necklace!
I love the shirt.
And I think bargain beats designer any day!
That plaid flannel looks fantastic!
I love that skirt! I've been wanting a black leather pencil skirt for some time now. Must keep looking…
I've never heard of her but Krystal I'm such a fan of your style! And I think you're SO funny! I always love reading your posts and comments!! And I am really loving that vintage leather skirt…yum!! clothedmuch.blogspot.com
You could touch her with a ten foot pole, but she may think you were weird/ may call the cops.
I think you look smashing and I don't think you are copying her/ channeling her at all. She has the funds to buy expensive pieces and I don't think it means she is more stylish than anyone. I admire her ability to find amazing vintage pieces however, but you seem to have the same eye, you can just pull off more because of your age and stature.
I could go on all day about said bloggers, but I'll cease.
Bottom line…I like you better. 🙂
Wow I never realized such a word existed..I think you pull off Judys look pretty well x
Your boyfriend's shirt is way more awesome than Judy's! You should never, ever give it back. It's awesome.
And now I'm kicking myself for giving my leather skirt to Goodwill three years ago. I hope I find a new one soon!
im sure u gonna make the best MILF!!
u look absolutely stunning.. love the outfit
I love how this is primary colors, but it doesn't look childish. You look very put together! Annnd, props for making a leather skirt work during the summer! I tend to think of leather for cooler weather, but I love it summered up!
I like! The outfit looks great and I like the look the leather skirt brings in.
I am loving this look!! It's good to be inspired but then make it your own. Very beauitful as usual!! Is it wrong that I like your leather skirt better?? Awesome.
Like your take on it, though. The yellow shoes really make the outfit more fun. And this way, you won't care too much if it gets dirty!