2 minute read

Well I made it! I'm in NYC, staying with the wonderful and extremely nice Ms. Jessica of What I Wore, who, for the record, is uncannily like her blog-sweet and so much fun!

Oh, and she also has given me permission to peruse the WIW closet kingdom. Can it get any better than this? I think not.

Today, though, being my first full day in the big, bad Brooklyn, I decided to hit the streets and find me some good vintage threads myself. Jessica, unfortunately, was a bit tied up with some conference details, so I flew solo heading first to the infamous Beacon's Closet before cruising around to other stores along the way.

The outfit, of course, had to be comfortable, as I knew I was going to be experiencing some humidity that I'm not entirely used to and a lot of walking. You all have seen this dress before, nothing too exciting there. I promise to step it up a notch in the days to come.

On a side note though, I did have some older gentleman today tell me that my hair style made his day. Brooklynites, you're good in my book!

Dress: Slip dress, Kimich and Blue
Shoes: Black ballet flats, Old Navy
Purse: Black leather bag, Old Navy