Well I made it! I'm in NYC, staying with the wonderful and extremely nice Ms. Jessica of What I Wore, who, for the record, is uncannily like her blog-sweet and so much fun!
Oh, and she also has given me permission to peruse the WIW closet kingdom. Can it get any better than this? I think not.
Today, though, being my first full day in the big, bad Brooklyn, I decided to hit the streets and find me some good vintage threads myself. Jessica, unfortunately, was a bit tied up with some conference details, so I flew solo heading first to the infamous Beacon's Closet before cruising around to other stores along the way.
The outfit, of course, had to be comfortable, as I knew I was going to be experiencing some humidity that I'm not entirely used to and a lot of walking. You all have seen this dress before, nothing too exciting there. I promise to step it up a notch in the days to come.
On a side note though, I did have some older gentleman today tell me that my hair style made his day. Brooklynites, you're good in my book!
Dress: Slip dress, Kimich and Blue
Shoes: Black ballet flats, Old Navy
Purse: Black leather bag, Old Navy
Great pictures! I love going to a new city and finding cool wall art. San Francisco is a great place for this as well.
mmm, that pizza looks good! and that dress is perfect for the end of august when it's still hot but you want to start wearing fall colors…
i <3 ny! i hope you have a great time and enjoy the beautiful weather we're having!
Krystal! I'm so excited for you. Finally you're in NY where you always wanted to be! We'll have to get together when you get back so you can tell about all of your adventures. Love ya and have fun!
Awesome post. I am excited to see what you girls do over there! Byu the way, your style is getting better and better. Have fun in NYC.
O that 1st building looks amazing! I wish we had cool stuff like that in either Oregon or Orange County, but not so much luck here on our end
WELCOME to NYC! Make sure to explore the unbeaten paths of New York… if you need a restaurant suggestion and you like French food… TRY…
Le Veau d'Or
129 E. 60th St., New York, NY 10022
nr. Lexington Ave.
ps…this is not a tourist spot. Take Jessica as a thanks or something. You will both love it! I recommend this place to all my friends who have never been to NYC before. It is quintessentially NY and I would love to see a post about it from a non-NYer's experience.
Thats really cool that you are staying with Jessica. Do you know her? Or does she just allow total blogging strangers to stay with her?
giveaway! http://strugglesofacreativemind.blogspot.com/2009/08/attention-grabber.html
you're in my neighborhood! can't wait to meet tonight! –noel
The photo of the pizza made me hungry. There is nothing anywhere like NY pizza
welcome to brooklyn! your pictures make park slope look so beautiful (except the graffiti), I live in the area so I guess I take it all for granted.
Oh my…. I have to go to NY sometime soon!!
nice dress!!
u r a lucky girl!have fun
So glad you're enjoying your stay so far! More pictures pleaseeeeeeee 🙂
Have fun! Jessica always finds the cutest things at Beacon's…Next time I'm in NY, I'm definitely gonna hit it up!
So fun! You look great and it looks like you're having a great time!!!
great NYC pics!! so colorful and cheerful 😛 and that's a great dress…
i LOVEEEEE nyc, i miss it soo! I'm so glad you're having a good time! that dress is gorgeous!
<3 The Voguette
glad your having a fun time ///be sure totell me everything you do and the best vintage places you find . im alwayss looking for new stuff.
Ah, lucky! I've always wanted to go to the Beacon's Closet.
you look adorable! have fun at the conference!