So let's just say that it's quite possible that I cracked and indulged a little more than I should have at Target. And then Charlotte-Russe. And then several cheap jewelry stores after that. What started out as an innocent trip to Best Buy to pick up a Leonard Cohen CD turned into a shopping fiasco. Ah, hell, not fiasco, I have a problem. But the fun part of problems, is the luxury of living in denial for awhile. And I must say, denial is looking pretty good these days.
Any how, outfit, yes. Perhaps a bit too god forsaken hot to wear ankle boots, but I like the leather and floral combo, along with everyone else this season. Yes, that was me, jumping on the bandwagon. You just witnessed it. But hey, at least I can admit it, right?
Happy Monday, everyone!
Vest: Vintage leather vest
Dress: Floral print drop waist, Charlotte-Russe
Shoes: Black, lace-up ankle boots, H&M
Jewelry: Multiple vintage necklaces
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lovely outfit, the dress is really cute
lovely dress! 😀
I want to steal your dress. And your style. 😛 If I did the leather vest/ankle boot/flower combo, I'd look like a tool! You just look plain awesome. Color me jealous.
That dress plus vest are so inspiring! Its really adorable OMG! I envy you so bad
check out mine,
oh wow, love the pattern on this one.
I love your blog and I saw you on weardrobe too, can I trade links with you?
This look reminds me so much of the 90s and oh well,you're human! Of course you cracked:P
P.s. I got my belt at Primark, London:)So many goodies there!
love floral with leather 😉
I love the vest! There's so many things I'm trying not to crack on haha. :] Currently jobless for the summer, therefore I must wait until school starts! Love your summer looks, so inspiring!
Thank you for the nomination! I can't wait to post mine tomorrow! this outfit is great and you shouldn't feel too bad about a Charlotte Russe and Target binge…it could be so much worse!
Are you wearing biker shorts underneath? I think that's such a great idea… Especially when you're biking..hahaha
i jumped on that as well i wont lie .
hmm maybe its time to rethink the look.. i love it anyhow.
oh man vintage best is so incredible!
Ooh, tough! Yet girly…hm…LOVE it!
Love the dress, boots and sunglasses <3!
Thank you for your kind words, they seriously brought tears to my eyes. Also thanks a ton for the award nomination, just to get nominated makes me want to jump in the air. Lastly you look gorgeous as always, you always seem to wear the perfect outfits! 🙂
I love the biker-chic meets hippie look of this outfit!
one think i hate about my country:its tooooo hot
so you can never dress in layrings in summer…its about 40 C . all i want to do is take my clothes off
u look absolutely amazing! i love the whole outfit!
think that the floral dress with the leather vest is a great combination!
Floral!!!!! Love it!!!!!