Yours truly wished she had spent the day lounging for what turned out to be a preview of a fall day here in Reno.
But alas, she did not.
She worked.
And worked.
Then she read her Vogue October issue.
And then worked some more.
Feel bad for her, yet? Nah, me either.
Although she wants you to know that she loves her slouchy, yellow knit hat from Cover Your Hair and may have to pick up a red one to recreate this Mary Kate (or Ashley?!) outfit. She's just sayin'....
Shirt: White v-neck t-shirt, Target
Skirt: Black bandage skirt, Target
Vest: Gray vest, gift from Japan
Boots: Black over the knee leather boots, Chinese Laundry
Hat: Slouchy yellow knit hat, courtesy of Cover Your Hair
Sunglasses: Tortoise shell sunnies, Fred Flare
Jewelry: Rosary necklace, Target; gold, multi-layered chain necklace, Wet Seal
Vogue issue: Compliments of the subscription my mother got me, go get your own! 🙂
Love the hat!! Get one in red!!
like the vest!!!
I love love love this ensamble! Way cute with the pop of color from the slouch hat!
oh, those boots are so cute, krystal! and i love that knit hats are everywhere, but it kinda makes my "if you can make it, don't buy it" rule hard to live by. -noel
I love the vest to death; from Japan, too!
I love love love that vest, looks so great.
You look freaking awesome! I love everything. I would maybe commit a small crime for those boots. And thanks for the link about the hat. Going to check it out like, NOW! :0)
i lovee this outfit, especially them boots!!
btw. TARGET is thee best!!!
– Teeney
Love this outfit! You look adorable. That hat is so great… I love the slouchy yellow knit hat.
I love this outfit! the hat is perfect
The hat is the perfect colour accent! Yeah for Vogue, guess what's on my birthday list? A subscription, oh ya and some new shoes would be nice.
I'm in love…
def mk! i love the slouchy-ness of the whole outfit…seems very comfy and easy but still super chic.
great look ^^. love the hat <3
i like this a lot.
looking cool!
great hat + those boots!!!
i love the yellow accent by the beanie! very cute 🙂
That hat is golden! Looks really good on you!
You look so cute!! Love your outfit!!!!:)
Love the whole look! Great over-the-knee boots and FAB hat! I've been looking for more hats like that, and now I know where to go!
I love the beret ( I have one just like it). The boots are wicked!!
Ahh, love the boots!
i love this look. your boots are awesome without being too devilish to wear to the office if you wanted to (at least for me!).
Super cute hat! I love the all over slouchiness of this look! Polished slouchy maybe?
I WISH slouchy hats looked that good on me! Loving it. Actually, I'm loving the whole look. It's flawless and effortless!