OK, really only two items on the list, so I'm not sure if it qualifies as a legitimate order of business, but here goes nothing:
1.) I'm actually looking forward to going to the movies by myself tonight. Yes. I said it. Has anyone else see the episode of Friends where Rachael learns to eat lunch by herself and enjoys it? That's how I'm feeling right now. Social norms be damned (on a Friday, date night mind you!) I'm looking forward to it! Big popcorn to myself. Big soda to myself. And, my favorite part, the only person I have to consult as to what movie to see, is myself.
Although that last part might be hard to narrow down. It's between "The Runaways" and "Remember Me," which is altogether really surprising as all three main actors in the two movies made for horrible co-stars in a horribly comical movie that shall remain unnamed. (I hope I didn't offend too may "Twilight" fans out there, damn, I said it). In my defense, a.) Robert Pattinson is yummy and I think he might actually be a decent actor (but when you're that yummy, who cares?) and b.) I could use a decent rock and roll, drug addiction story line today.
Tough, tough choice.
2.) I got flowers at work today. Sorry. Just had to gloat a little. They're beautiful orchids and have brightened up our little corner at work tremendously. To the person who sent them, thank you! You've put a big smile on my face and given me bragging rights for the day. Although I don't think you read this blog, so I'll send you a text right now…as I head out the door. To the movies, I go!
Happy Friday, everyone!
Blazer: Navy boyfriend blazer, Charlotte Ronson for JCPenny
Bustier: Black zip up bustier, Urban Outfitters
Skirt: White lace mini skirt, Frederick's of Hollywood (OLD)
Shoes: Stampede Open Toe Clogs, Jeffrey Campbell courtesy of Shopbop
Shopbop is a lovely sponsor of This Time Tomorrow.
I like the color palette of this outfit. And that skirt is really pretty!
Super-cute outfit. One of my favorites from you, thus far.
as much as I love my husband, I enjoy spending some quality time by myself. Whether its shopping, going to a movie or to lunch alone. Every girl needs their alone time.
I love your skirt, you look amazing (as always)
love this look – shoes are great 🙂
that skirt is perfect to lighten up the outfit. love it!
I totally go to the movies by myself. Nice little escape. I saw "remember me", and it was good but terribly marketed. It was one of the saddest things I've seen in a while, not at all what I was expecting. And Robert Pattinson is actually a decent actor. Watch him in "Little Ashes" where he plays the crazy eccentric surrealist artist Salvidor Dali. It'll blow your mind.
I'm just going to say it–I'm pretty sure you've perfected dressing. Most bloggers have hits and misses, but I can't even think of the last time you didn't look completely outstanding!
Also, I love doing things alone. Feels weird at first, but so empowering!
xx, Melanie lightssobright
great outfit love the top underneath too xoxo
love that highwaisted girly skirt with the black zipper corset! so cool! xx
Love the kicks, so awesome…the pairing is extra flirty and chic!
There's nothing wrong with going to the movies alone every once in a while; everyone needs some quality "me-time." I love this whole look!
This skirt is amazing!! Everything looks perfect in this outfit!
Gorgeousssss… I love this outfit! All of the pieces work so well together! 🙂
The shoes are fabulous!
So pretty, I love this alot x
I love it!
Especially the shoes,Jelous!
wow, i like it , minimal design 🙂
youre so beautiful.
love this outfit,the skirt is wonderful
omg i love your skirt! so cute 🙂
Love the JC clogs. 🙂 And what a cute outfit in front of a cute door!
-Jane @ http://brunchatthebeach.blogspot.com
wow, i love the shoes!
Wearing a skirt from a naughty lingerie shop? Niiice.
I have gone to the movies many times by myself, never felt odd at all. Definitely a good mind set to let yourself defy the social norm!
Love the lace skirt! It's really pretty 🙂 I love going to the movies by myself, no one to argue over which movie to see!
Ha. Love everything you said in the paragraph about which movie to see.
I saw "Man on Wire" alone. I mean, really alone. I had the whole theatre to myself! But it was seriously one of the most inspiring experiences of my life.
You are so sweet and I love your blog. I especially like this bustier, I just got a vintage floral one and am so excited to wear it! (ps: you aren't the only one who thinks that about twilight 🙂
also i am having a giveaway at my blog if you would like to enter: http://www.bighairandbikinis.blogspot.com/
My favorite outfit so far! Have fun at the movies! I've always wanted to eat in public or go to the movies by myself. I think it takes a lot of confidence to be comfortable doing something on your own – like I would be evolving into a higher species or something equally as weird…
I love the outfit and the pictures. I was considering going to the movies alone tonight or tomorrow. I like the idea of not missing out just because you are by yourself.
P.S. I really enjoyed Remember Me!
Great Post!
Dani-Elle from,
I've gone to the movies alone before. It's pretty fun. You get to eat candy and don't really feel alone cuz you're in a dark theater! I thought about going to a movie tonight, but I think I'm gonna Insta-Netflix it tonight instead!
That skirt is darling…
Have fun on your movie night, let us know how it is! I love your outfit as always, especially the perfect difference in length of the blazer and the skirt.
love love the lace skirt. and going to movies by yourself is surprisingly liberating! also movie tip, add some m&m's to the popcorn for movie snack magic! it is sooo good!!
You look stunning like always 😉