Do you have any kindred spirits in your life? People who, in some inexplicable way, resonate at the same frequency as you, the same energy — I like to think of them as a phrase in the same paragraph as me, perhaps even the same sentence. Usually they share common interests, values and world views — and sometimes, if you're lucky, there's an unshakable feeling of déjà vu when you meet them, a fleeting memory from a past life of yours and theirs.
Of course, kindred spirits by design don't come around often (that's what makes them so special!) and if you happen to throw a global pandemic into the mix, the odds of meeting them certainly don't roll out in your favor either. But! Oh the operative but! When they do come around — it's magical! And Léanne is most certainly one of those friends for me — I could tell the moment we started walking around the Frick together, making up fanciful narratives for all the paintings and statues we passed.

You see, Léanne is a fellow old soul. One who loves history, art, cinema, storytelling and any and every excuse to dress up like she’s in a period drama just as much as I do — all of which I say to remind whoever may need to hear it today, that making new friends is certainly never easy. As someone with introverted tendencies, I know that. Moreover, it can be downright daunting the older we get and the more set in our ways we become. But (there's that operative but again!), every once in a while, the universe gives us little nudges that I've come to learn we shouldn't ignore, because they usually lead us somewhere amazing. In case there's a person you've been meaning to reach out to lately, to strike up or perhaps even rekindle a friendship with (safely mind you, given that social gatherings look vastly different these days), I hope this caption is the nudge you needed from the universe to do so.
ONE // How to support trans rights organizations and fight the Arkansas Anti-Trans healthcare bill
The bill passed through the Senate on Monday — here's how we can fight it.
TWO // Asian American women on where to go from here
After watching that horrific video of a 65 year-old woman being beaten in broad daylight here in NYC earlier this week, I'm beyond disheartened. I found this article to be very insightful with six Asian American women who are leaders in their fields sharing the solutions they believe will help stop Asian hate.
THREE // NFTs are an art project gone awry
Confused what an NFT is? Me too. This article helps explain.
FOUR // A powerful op-ed piece about the Chauvin trial
Have you been watching the trial this week? Even if you're not, I think this op-ed piece is terribly poignant to read — a reminder of the stakes, so to speak. Here's an excerpt that punched me in the stomach when I read it:
"As we settle into this trial, Black America is forced to watch — and rewatch — the slow-motion murder of yet another innocent Black person as the prosecution works to show just how depraved Chauvin’s actions were on May 25, 2020. It’s beyond challenging and painful to relive this day as an onlooker with no personal connection to Floyd, but an intimate understanding, nonetheless. Floyd begged for his life 27 times. Twenty-seven times. He begged until he had no breath left with which to speak, and even still, as his body lay drained of its life, Chauvin’s knee remained. I can think of no better metaphor for what it is like to live and die while Black in America — under the weight of White supremacy — than this one."
FIVE // Why does it have to be Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton?
Still thinking about the Oprah interview from a few weeks ago? Me, too. Especially this comment from Meghan, that this article so beautifully explores:
“So much of what I have seen play out is this idea of polarity,” Meghan said. “If you love me, you don’t have to hate her. And if you love her, you don’t need to hate me.”
SIX // What are hate crimes and how are they counted?
Most experts agree that U.S. hate crimes are vastly undercounted, and the country’s accounting of these crimes remains deeply flawed.
SEVEN // Satan shoes? Sure. But Lil Nas X is not leading American kids to devil worship
This whole controversy is part of a long history of misdirected moral outrage that blames artists for the social ills of society
EIGHT // 3 things making me smile
We've been watching Stanley Tucci's Searching for Italy on CNN and I just have to say — what a wanderlust dream! I miss Italy so much these days and this show speaks right to my heart about the beauty and history of such a rich country.
This new Tina Turner documentary on HBO Max is a must-watch.
After a lot of online hunting and finger crossing, I was able to land a COVID vaccination appointment slot for Monday. While each state and city is run quite differently, I would recommend all my New Yorkers to check the CVS website between midnight and 1am to refresh for any new appointment slots that might pop up. Don't give up, just keep refreshing! It's also worthwhile checking these sites often, usually on the hour and every quarter hour interval, i.e. 1:00, 1:15, 1:30, 1:45.
Léanne and I are both wearing Brock pieces on loan thanks to Nova Octo (love this little Brock jacket that's currently on sale!) // Vintage Chanel earrings (similar style here) // Shot at Léanne's dreamy apartment on the Upper West Side!
Photography by yours truly
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