2 minute read

Since I was an incredibly lazy blogger the other day (meaning unwashed hair, lack of sleep and a general cranky disposition) I failed to provide my daily outfit dose. Please forgive me. I have blog sinned.

In my attempts to repent, here are two, (yes two!) outfits that I wore yesterday, one day look for the office and one evening look for a couple of drinks with friends.

For the first outfit, see exhibits A, B, C and D. Most of these were actually picked up during my lunch break. Now, I know what you're thinking…You know you have a shopping problem when you leave work for a quickie (shopping trip). But I couldn't help myself. I had stopped by Goodwill the day before and had spotted this little Chanel wanna be purse for only $5. Unfortunately, their debit machine was down at the time and I had zero cash on me. I had to go back. I just had to.

And of course, the purse brought along its friends, namely this white blazer ($7) and belt ($1.99) for the party.

Blazer: White blazer, vintage
Skirt: Floral print, dress worn as skirt, Modcloth
Shirt: Gray v-neck, American Apparel
Socks: Black knee-highs, Target
Shoes: Black wedges, Kenzie
Sunglasses: Wayfarers, vintage Ray-Bans
Jewelry: Random necklaces

For the second outfit, see the above exhibits. I would also like to ask you to strike from the record the fact that I look like a hooker in these photos. Somehow, I had failed to make the connection of a.) girl standing in alley way, b.) girl dressed for a night out and c.) girl standing in front of spray painted wall that reads "For Sale."

No wonder I was getting honked at.

Shirt: Cream colored flapper fringe shirt, Silence & Noise
Skirt: Black bandage skirt, Target
Tights: Sheer black tights, Target
Shoes: Black suede ankle boots, Payless
Purse: My little Chanel in training, vintage

Happy Friday everyone!