2 minute read

Today I'm playing photographer for a local beer crawl, i.e. free beer. Go me. Just what my recently stuffed with food body needs right now. Bring on the heavy carbs!

Since I knew I need to be comfortable and somewhat ready to chase people down, I went for a low-key chic grunge look today, a la Cocorosa and Song of Style. I love how both girls combine such edgy, rocker pieces with flirty, feminine touches.

And if all else fails, I can throw on a pair of faux reading glasses and fake it as Daria. Man, who else misses that show?!

Jacket: Fatigue jacket, Forever 21 (scored it on sale yesterday!)
Dress: Ruffle cream colored dress, Angie
Boots: Motorcycle boots, Dirty Laundry
Bag: Leather purse, Old Navy

P.S. Hope everyone's Thanksgiving was fabulous! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads and comments here at This Time Tomorrow. You are all beautiful and make my day!