I love the added twist of leather to an otherwise classic outfit -- the trench coat and striped tee started off the ensemble and when I couldn't find my black skinny jeans, these leather pups came out for the day.
Sometimes you just need leather pants and fur trimmed heels to put a bounce in your step, you know what I mean?
How was everyone's weekend?
Trench: Sleeveless trench, originally from Old Navy, chopped off the sleves
Tee: Striped dress worn as a shirt, H&M
Pants: Faux leather pants, H&M
Shoes: DIYed fur trimmed mohawk heels, Forever21
Really a wonderful post. Keep it up.
Leather Jackets,
Women Leather Pants
That trench coat is AMAZE! I can't wait to lop the sleeves off of mine. Brilliant!
Luv stripes! I had a good weekend!!
I really love those pants!
sleeveless trench is a fab idea–especially when it shows off more stripes. always awesome. great look.
Love the sleeveless trench, and its fantastic that it was a DIY. 😉
love the look babe !!
Love the leather! And I so know what you mean about using it to up the ante. I feel like everyone has a go to piece in their wardrobe that spices up an outfit/day.
xx Melina
.but i like it.
I know what you mean… not the fur trimmed heels part, though. Great look!
Did you really cut the sleeves off??! I was looking at your photos thinking, "How unique, I wonder where she bought that.." and I couldn't believe you did it yourself! Very creative and I love the look! {great name, too}
lovely – i just posted a similar look on my blog! h&m striped shirt with a very similar necklace!
I just miss the leather pants to recreate the look…I think I'll stick to my jeggings …Such a nice and classic look with an edge because of the pants and shoes…LOVE it
Caro xxx
So creative with the sleeveless trench! I would never have thought of that. I'm totally inspired to do the same…because living in Hawaii the sleeveless is much more practical! 🙂 Thanks Krystal!
-Jane @ Brunch at the Beach
Nice touch with the sleeveless trench! 🙂
Qué guapa !!! Me encanta el look.
Un besote.
Gorgeous outfit, it's so chi yet slightly edgy due to the sleeveless coat and leather!!! I wish I could pull of leather trousers, you look amazing in yours =)
Hannah xx
Classic and gorgeous! I love your leather leggings! You look so cute!
<3 Ashley
i have that striped dress from H&M a few years back but now i'm wishing i would've got a smaller size to wear it as a shirt, too!
Loved the mixing of trench coat and the striped dress!
Love your leather trousers with the breton stripes x
I love those leather pants and those DIY mochicans
Love the trench and leather trousers, look great together x