Alright, while there is plenty more where this came from, here's a snippet of the infamous and exhausting weekend of Coachella. Lots of good music, interesting art and meeting Devendra Banhart. In summary: AMAZING (despite my horrible sunburn).

Cortney Maddock (thanks Cort!)
I just love your dressing style.They are just fabulous.The way you dress up and the way you make up the color combo is just amazing.Myself a writer at so I don’t get time to shop outdoor so most of the time i order online for my wife by seeing these style tips.
[…] started this very blog back in April of 2009. My first post is here. I’ll give you a minute to hop over there and marvel at what once was — or just to have […]
Oh my gosh! We all start somewhere right Krystal!! This is your first post isn't it? I can't believe it. You must sometimes just, you know, pinch yourself a little when you look back on how far you've come.
I was telling my husband about you–after I told him that I would be happy with my numbers for a month because KB follows me now (I know, I know, I'm a total #fangirl!). Anyway, this may sound silly or I may just be trying to make myself feel better, but I can relate to the dream that has become your reality. I'm 44; you're just 30. So that puts a good 14 years on me ahead of you. But, I'm from a small-ish town like you, Spokane, Washington. I only dreamed of going into the fashion industry. Being the oldest of five however, graduating in 1990 from high school, well those dreams got shattered–not that's too harsh a word, those dreams just weren't encouraged. I started embarking on my adult life right when the Internet was kind of like born.
I graduated from the U of W in 1994. Then, by 1997, I got married at 25. That's when Seattle just BOOMED! Like seriously!! But Kevin and I had just ventured overseas–to El Salvador of all places. We always looked back at our friends, working for Microsoft, and Yahoo, and even you might remember, Ask Jeeves! (Google wasn't even a term yet….)
Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that part of my fondness for you is that I somehow like to vicariously live through you–as if, if I were born later, my pathway might have gotten differently. In no way am I disappointed by my pathway. Heck, I have seen the world! I adore my husband, and we have two great kids. We go home for summers to a lovely lake cabin in Spirit Lake, Idaho (which, you have an open invitation to–here in HK or there;). But, in terms of my career in fashion that never happened, but my blogging is like grabbing that little Annie Freuen way back from 8th grade when in 1987 I used to rip pages out of Vogue and draw the designs in my sketchbook….
Goodness! I tend to write you novels. But this is a fun post to see.
Love ya Krystal!!