2 minute read

Somehow the weather gods overseeing the northwestern part of Nevada have decided to entirely skip the season the fall, making great headway for winter. Therefore, these photos are a product of me looking out the window at cloudy skies and shivering at the prospect of stepping one over-the-knee sock covered foot outside.

In fact, this entire outfit was literally too skimpy to wear today. So skimpy, that I left for part of the morning to run and find some socks to cover my legs. Oh, fickle weather. Where did all the 65-70 degree days run off to?

As for these shoes, I'm a bit uncertain as to how I feel about them with this outfit. The inner let's-wear-black-shoes-with-everything side of me screams I should have grabbed my Aldo wedges this morning. But then there's this little voice that secretly wanted to wear these tan peep toe boots just for the sake of wearing them. What do you guys think? Does the color of them throw off the outfit?

Shirt: Pale pink flutter sleeve top, Forever 21
Dress: Black body conscious dress, Target
Socks: Black over-the-knee socks, Target
Shoes: Tan peep toe boots, Forever 21
Jewelry: Gold and black embellished necklace, Forever 21
Belt: Hunter green vintage belt