Happy news: My boyfriend came back this weekend from a month-long backpacking trip through Japan. One of his sporadic e-mails had informed me that he had splurged and bought a nice suit, tailored for him and everything. That's when I got the brilliant idea of sporting this new dress I had bought awhile back, so we could take on the town in style together, only to receive a text message from him en route that read: "I forgot my suit."
Needless to say, I was glad he was coming home but terribly bummed about the suit ordeal. But am I one to waste a good occasion to wear a dress? Never. I frolicked around on Sunday in this number, messy hair, no makeup and these fake glasses straight from Japan. It was fun. I felt a tad like Alexa Chung, too, which made my day. I love her classy, yet spunky style.
Oh, and I think I just had a fashion blogger revelation of sorts. Listening to music, as I did for these little photo shoot with some My Morning Jacket, makes a world of difference. Not only do you not give a damn about what anyone thinks about what you're doing but you strike a little more confidence in your poses.
There, take that one to the bank and you can thank me later, ladies.
Dress: Black ballerina dress, Target
Shoes: DIYed Payless ankle boots
Jewelry: Random vintage necklaces
Glasses: Black rimmed glasses, from Japan!
P.S. Got some awesome loot from Japan from the BF. Can't wait to share with all of you! Sneak peak hint: harmonica necklaces, berets and zebra, oh my!
great DIY shoes girl. I wish I didn't have such a crazy schedule sometime and I could try something like that! xx
the headphones are awesome! i'll have to try the music thing sometime…
a pretty dress like that in target? i never thought it existed. indeed fashion can be affordable!LOL
Hey question for ya…I bought the same exact dress, but seems a little too over the top poofy on me. Did you leave in all the tulle cause it seems to fall so effortlessly fabulous on you? Love it with the booties BTW!!
i wanted that effin dress from targ but they were sold out in my size before i got to it. dang. looks great on you, though1
Aw, that suit story made me sad! There's nothing better than a man in a nice suit. Oh well, at least you got plenty of goodies. 🙂 You look fabulous! I love the girly + edgy combo, and you can never go wrong with all black. See you soon!
I've said it before and I'll say it again: you look AMAZING in black. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
I almost bought that same dress yesterday, it looks fabulous on you!! and those shoes are amazing 🙂
Tulle envy!
O my gosh! I am so jealous of your dress, I have tried this on like five times at target but everytime my mom and sister always convince me out of buying it, I finally came to the conclusion that I was going to make one like it out of an old leotard or something, but I'm still envious of it every time I see it. It is super cute!
great dress… and i'll try ur hint 'bout listening to music while posing… that's a good one!!
wanted to tell you that the shoes look amazing..i want that dress!your bf is lucky for having you~
LOVE your dress! I reminds me of an old one of Mum's we used to have in our dress up box! I would love to dig it out and wear it, but unfortunately I wore it to death as a child.
And it looks perfect with your DIYed boots.
Awesome photos!! Love the dress!!