2 minute read

Happy news: My boyfriend came back this weekend from a month-long backpacking trip through Japan. One of his sporadic e-mails had informed me that he had splurged and bought a nice suit, tailored for him and everything. That's when I got the brilliant idea of sporting this new dress I had bought awhile back, so we could take on the town in style together, only to receive a text message from him en route that read: "I forgot my suit."


Needless to say, I was glad he was coming home but terribly bummed about the suit ordeal. But am I one to waste a good occasion to wear a dress? Never. I frolicked around on Sunday in this number, messy hair, no makeup and these fake glasses straight from Japan. It was fun. I felt a tad like Alexa Chung, too, which made my day. I love her classy, yet spunky style. 

Oh, and I think I just had a fashion blogger revelation of sorts. Listening to music, as I did for these little photo shoot with some My Morning Jacket, makes a world of difference. Not only do you not give a damn about what anyone thinks about what you're doing but you strike a little more confidence in your poses. 

There, take that one to the bank and you can thank me later, ladies.

Dress: Black ballerina dress, Target
Shoes: DIYed Payless ankle boots
Jewelry: Random vintage necklaces
Glasses: Black rimmed glasses, from Japan!

P.S. Got some awesome loot from Japan from the BF. Can't wait to share with all of you! Sneak peak hint: harmonica necklaces, berets and zebra, oh my!