August! Happy August, everyone! I know this month sneaks up on everyone and in a lot of ways, it feels like the final leg of summer. The last stretch to coast downhill before we cruise into fall. If that's the case for you, perhaps today's August Check-In is for you. In no particular order, here are a few things I've been asking myself lately to make sure I'm spending my summer "me" time intentionally and with heart. A checklist to ensure the days aren't slipping by idly, but rather like every ounce has been savored, the marrow sucked dry from the bone, as Thoreau might put it.

- Have I spent time with myself lately, where I'm not worried about expectations from others?
- Is there someone I'm missing right now? Can I reach out to them? Is there something stopping me from reaching out?
- Have I treated myself to a solo date recently? A movie? A dinner at my favorite restaurant?
- Have I gone for a long walk in the neighborhood, just because?
- Have I planned a trip for myself or perhaps a group of friends?
- Have I watched a sunrise yet? Or a really good sunset?
- Have I sat by the water's edge? Perhaps at the beach or at a river?
- Have I planned a picnic?
- Have I gone on a really long, scenic run?
- Have I explored a new-to-me area?
- Have I paid a compliment forward to a stranger?
- Have I gotten dressed up, just because?
- Have I taken a really indulgent, delicious afternoon nap in the sunshine?
- Have I enjoyed a book outside?
- Have I walked home in the rain? Held hands in the rain?
- Have I sat out on my fire escape just to reflect on the past year? The past several years?
Of course, I'd love to know — what are you asking of yourself for this final month of summer?

My dress is by Keepsake the Label dress (borrowed from Léanne, similar style here) // Léanne's dress is by La Ligne dress (borrowed from me, similar style here) // Shot on location in East Marion
Open sky with comfortable clothes is what we need- DIYAONLINE