First of all, let me set one thing straight for the record before you all run off laughing and pointing: No I did not leave the house with just lace covering my ass. I'm a lady, remember? And ladies manage to find some nude colored spandex shorts that work wonders underneath even the most scandalous of bottom pieces.
Second of all, I love rocking my rings like this. I never really was a huge fan of multiple rings, but now look at it as a defense mechanism, my (brass) ring knuckle sandwich. Watch out, don't piss this lady off. She'll shove some turquoise in your face.
Third of all, yay for bike shorts. I have a feeling I might just be rocking this more than I should this summer. Will someone please intervene if I binge on them? Please?
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Where do you get your rings from? I looooove them!
Love the lace! It’s so fun and adds a nice twist to the t-shirt and jean jacket look. Humm…any weird looks from the non-fashionable towns people? lol
I love the lace bike shorts. I could see myself wearing them under short dresses or tunics.
I love wearing biker shorts under short skirts and dresses or long shirts! They're practical and add a little edge. I'm insanely jealous of your lace pair. You look great!
Thanks ladies for all the kind words! It seriously makes my day. The shorts will definitely have to be a repeat here on This Time Tomorrow, due to their undeniable comfort for summer evenings out. @marb, I'm actually the photographer. What I usually do is drive around downtown Reno in search of a cool/interesting backdrop be it a brightly colored building or some graffiti, pull out the tripod, set the timer on and go for it, all while fielding awkward questions from passerby. It's been trial and error thus far, but I'm catching on I think. Thanks again!
nothing wron g with biker shorts thisseason!
lol on your finishing my sentence. better than anything i couldve come up with
I love those shorts! Seriously, I need some lace bike shorts in my life… like now.
I love the shorts! :] They're so cool looking with the design. If you binge on them, it's a good reason to!
LOVE the rings and purse! You have totally been rocking your outfits lately, lady!
I seriously want to steal all your rings (; But I promise I won't. (:
Do enter my Current/Elliott jeans giveaway here (http://lacouturiernyc.wordpress.com/2009/07/25/a-one-year-celebration-giveaway/. Simply write your own "petite novella" (or short fashion fiction) about the outfit you/a character would wear incorporating those jeans & leave it in the comments! Have fun, be creative – you have a week!
La C.
oh wow, i love your multiple rings….nice collection:)
beautiful rings and a great jacket! <3
I love the jean jacket! it's absolutely great! the rings are also adorable!
I love your jewelry here.
who is your photographer?your pix are always a blast!the blue door is awesome!and as always i admire your style!
When I was in the 3rd grade (c. 1991) I had a pair of neon green/pink/black geometric bike shorts. I wore them everyday one summer until my mom hid them from me (thank you mom!). I don't know how I've lived the last 18 years without another pair.
Love this look!