It was hard not to channel some sort of 70s TV maven in this outfit, with the wide leg trouser jeans, looser fitting top and some serious clogs. About these jeans though, I think I found my new favorite cut to start replacing my collection of skinnies. There's something to be said about a wide leg cut with a pair of heels -- instantly taller/slimmer not to mention it's a nice change of pace and gives me some time to wash the already worn too thin skinnies.
I'll have apartment pictures hopefully sometime this weekend. But first, I have to go to IKEA and pick up a bed. Somehow the air mattress I've been sleeping on the past few weeks doesn't do my apartment justice.
And while we're on the subject of IKEA, is it all too corny and disgustingly cute to admit that I kind of want to play the IKEA game? Because I do. Any takers?
Shirt: White lace blouse, BB Dakota via Wasteland
Bustier: Black zip-up bustier, Kimchi Blue, Urban Outfitters
Jeans: Wide leg trouser jeans, Simply Vera
Shoes: Stampede open toe clogs, Jeffrey Campbell, courtesy of Shopbop
Sunglasses: Tortoise shell sunnies, Fred Flare
Shopbop is a lovely sponsor of This Time Tomorrow.
I love the look of a wide leg denim trouser too! You rock this hippie look so well!
I love this outfit so much, its so cool and stylish.
have a great weekend
beautiful styling! I must say I really like your hair. Also, you have a nice blog, I just marked it as my fave one on mine (blonde-rose.blogspot.com). I love your 60s-70s spirit!
i love that shirt*
heyy* im a new follower and i really must say i really like your blog.
i would love to have you as a follower:
Awww, that's so cute! I still haven't seen that movie…
Fabulous look! I love the lace top and clogs.
i love your JC clogs! 🙂
What a great look. The top is fantastic and the clogs look fabulous yet amazingly comfy. 🙂
This is such a great look for you. And your hair is everything I want mine to be. haha!
Those shoes are awesome!!
I have been wanting those open toe clogs for so long – so perfect!
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You're a babe! Love this look. x
nice shoes and i love ur hair ^^
you have such great hair. its so easy and califorian!
Love the look and I fully want to play the IKEA game. It looks like so much fun. Sometimes my boyf and I will wander around stores planing our ideal houses, and picking out fixtures and things, but never in quite the same way.
Does anyone not like IKEA?
I love the clogs. I'm obsessed with them right now! You look really great – spring cool 🙂
Your hair is perfection here! x
Loving this look. The 70s had the most awesome silouettes.
OMG i hate clog, very very bad!. hAHAHAHA but what can we say, ahhh btw i love your hat is amazing xoxo
I'm not a big fan of 70's clothes but you look adorable! I love the top and the shoes are the best! Are the comfy?
Love, Diana
Your hair looks awesome in these pictures!
Those clogs are incredible. I like the contrast of the rivets in the shoes with the delicate lace of your top
La Fille Atomique
Haha I have that temptation every time I go to IKEA now… love those wide leg jeans— totally inspired to go out and get a pair!
This is really pretty. I think the 70s look suits you and I looove the lace blouse.
I have never been to an Ikea before. I can't wait to hear more.
i adore these photos.
I'm totally with you on the wide leg/ trouser jeans. I have a pair that are my "go tos" for looking chic (or at least less or a hot mess lol).
♥ the entire outfit! the clogs marvellous & lace 🙂
Gorgeous clogs!
Just to let you know we just added to our blog roll! you have been a big style inspiration since we started our blog and wanted to share it 🙂
Margaux + Ele from BoRO Xx
love your shoes and the lace.
hope all is well 🙂
Looking good :o) [Oh! Lace Lace Lace … Love Love Love]
In this outfit you wear all the items I love more: lace, jeans and clogs! wooooooow!
Agree with Kay – you look so Charlie's Angels! 😀
xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com
love you forever for mentioning (500) days of summer.
Awesome look. You're showcasing two of my absolute favorite spring trends–lace+clogs. So chic.
Unravelled Threads
I love this look. Reminds me of Charlie's Angels
i like your necklace and that wooden shoes is adorable.
Oooh. NICE top… I've seen a few lacy white lovelies around lately and am finding myself wanting one kinda sorta badly… And your necklace looks pretty fab as well. 🙂
yesss, please channel some Zooey while you're there. It's the only way to get through Ikea. That place is a black hole. haha