Landing scores: 8, 8.5, 9, and a damn 6 from the Russian judge, better luck next time.
As promised, here are the infamous jumping photos, that in retrospect, have taught me quite a few things. A.) Do not jump in gladiator heels, I repeat, do not jump in gladiator heels. B.) Don't wear jewelry that could possibly whack you in the face mid-air. Because really, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye to a gem embellished tie necklace. C.) Don't jump too high unless you want explicit photos on your hands. D.) Think graceful thoughts. Somehow I think it might translate into a more graceful appearance for your hands and arms, which I clearly failed at.
Shirt: Lace cap sleeve blouse, vintage Skirt: Lace skirt, my mom's closet Jewelry: Gem embellished tie necklace Shoes: Black gladiator heels, Steve Madden Sunglasses: Vintage Jackie O sunnies
Oh, that's a good one! I'll have to keep that in mind. The tricky thing for me is that I was doing this with a timer on my camera, so it was difficult placing just the right moment for take off. Ha. Also, I was thinking, these would make awesome stop motion videos, huh? I'll see if I can work one out tonight and let you know. It could be a jumping jamboree!
oh, you're a pro at jumping! I think point D is my hardest to follow. no matter what kind of graceful, floating things i'm trying to do with my arms and legs, unfortunately my face looks like i'm being tortured. Also, joelle learned a really good jumping tip…starting in a low position with knees bent for maximum air time = better chance of a good photo.