3 minute read


Disclaimer before we begin: Christine and I shot these Express bridesmaids dresses just a couple weeks back and while today's post has nothing to do with weddings (although, how darling are these dresses?!), I felt the photos were fitting for a tribute to all the things I consider myself so lucky to have in my life.

A couple of Thanksgivings ago, I remember listing out a few of the top things I was thankful for. I'm not sure why or when along the way I stopped doing this -- I just stopped. It wasn't until I was reading Naty's blog last week that I was reminded how much I loved sharing those reflections here. And especially this year -- this year in particular -- a year that admittedly was pretty rough around the edges in a lot of ways, I think we all could use a friendly reminder to stop and appreciate the things we do have. With that said, this year I'm thankful for...

  1. My parents, for always believing in me, but especially this past year when I decided it made more sense to try the whole "working for myself" thing, thereby giving up stable health insurance via an employer. If they had panic attacks about it, they sure didn't let on. They've been my biggest supporters and taught me how to be my own biggest supporter.
  2. My health, for being something that I never was truly aware of (that's the funny thing when you're healthy), and for also being something that I've been made aware of this year. Getting older is no joke, y'all and I, for one, don't want to take my health for granted.
  3. This job, for being such a driving force these past 7 years. If you had told me that random afternoon so many years ago that I'd still be working on it today, living in New York and, by all accounts, supporting myself, I would most definitely have laughed at you. Each day, I get to wake up, excited about what I'm working on and what I get to create -- a feeling I hope I never lose.
  4. The opportunity to travel, for opening my eyes, my mind and my spirit. And reminding me that no matter how far you go, we're all really looking for the same things.
  5. My amazing friends, sister and a certain special fellow, for being a wealth of laughs, inspiration and the occasional shoulder to cry on. The older I get, the more I realize how much you gotta hold on to the gems in the bunch.
  6.  New York City, for being the city that brought me back to life in a way.
  7. Elvis, for giving me an excuse to pick out different Notorious B.I.G. songs to play and record him walking to on Snapchat. That waddle! Swoon!
  8. Every last failure that came my way this year for teaching me that I'm capable of much more than I ever realized. Or that I don't seem to mind my grey hairs that much.
  9. Little victories, because they remind me to take triumph in the every day and to pay it forward, as often as possible.
  10. This community here at This Time Tomorrow, for showing me what it means to connect, support and build each other up -- even with people we may never meet face to face. I may not have known exactly what I was starting my blog for all those 7 years ago, but it's always been the sweet emails, comments and conversations from all of you that have kept me going and motivated all along. I'm honored and humbled by it all.

What are you thankful for?



OUTFIT DETAILS: Express bridesmaids dresses // Express heels


Photos by Lydia Hudgens