What will life look like after all this? I don't know about you, but this question has been on my mind a lot lately. I've been pushing it back, trying to distract myself with other things, other tasks to get done and yet, it always returns. And you know what also returns with it? This strange combination of optimism and trepidation. The former because I'm so heartbroken by the devastation this pandemic has left in its wake and the latter, because I think I've finally found a rhythm in life that suits me. That doesn't drain me.

OK, I know that's strange to say — especially given how much I do miss my family and my friends and good God, what I wouldn't do to hop on a flight out of town— trust me, I want life to return to some semblance of it's normal pace. But there's also quite a bit about my newfound patterns and routines that make me happy. Like waking up early and going to bed early. No big evening plans, with back to back brand events that derail my downtime. The need to get creative at home with my own camera. Long talks while making dinner at home with my boyfriend. The welcome solitude of a neighborhood walk.
In a lot of ways, throughout the hardships of this past year, I've created a cocoon for myself— mainly out of necessity, sure, but now that I'm here in it, it's hard to feel excited about breaking out of it just yet. I feel safe and balanced in it. Can anyone else relate?
ONE // President Obama's PBS Town Hall from 2016
Whenever I think about the debate of gun control in this country, I think about this PBS Town Hall with then President Obama, where he quite pragmatically outlines how and why we need common sense gun control laws in less than 5 minutes. The fact that I can vividly remember when the Columbine shooting happened in 1999 (a kid not much younger than those involved) and can recall, in a hazy blur mind you, all the mass shootings that have occurred since, with zero progress made on gun control, well, that's just horrifyingly tragic.
TWO // The filibuster's racist history, explained
And while we're on the subject of getting rid of things that don't serve any of us, let's abolish the filibuster while we're at it.
THREE // 'WAP' and the politics of Black women's bodies
Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s hit song and Grammy performance mirrors how millennial Black women are challenging respectability politics, says hip-hop scholar Aria S. Halliday. A great read anddddd you will get 'WAP' stuck in your head. Sorry, not sorry.
FOUR // 'I'm not ready to reenter white society'
A poignant op-ed piece that I discovered thanks to Shelcy and Christy of NYCxClothes. Here's a telling excerpt:
"As the pandemic wanes, and I have to leave the safety of my whiteness-free castle, I know that racism is going to come roaring back into my daily life."
FIVE // In 25 years, the pay gap has shrunk by just 8 cents
Why does the gender wage gap still exist? And what can be done to close it? This article unpacks the issue, in light of March 24th just passing— the date that marks just how far most women in America need to work into the new year in order to match their male counterpart's pay. And that date varies on race.
SIX // Netflix's Operation: Varsity Blues documentary
If you haven't seen this documentary yet about the biggest college admission scandal that broke back in 2019, put it on your watch list ASAP. And prepare to get pissed along the way.
SEVEN // Are you dreaming too big?
Lifelong, hard-to-achieve goals might not make you happier. Small steps will.
EIGHT // 3 things making me smile
Meghan's maple latte looks positively divine! I need to try this ASAP.

Johanna Ortiz dress borrowed via Nova Octo (similar style here) // Vintage Chanel earrings (similar style here) // Shot on location in the most divine Nolita apartment that's currently listed for sale here
Allie Provost
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