Alright, well have you noticed any progress, namely in the second photo? Yes, I do believe that's a nice whopping side profile of my face without (get this!) sunglasses! Of course, still no smile or tan, but hey, baby steps are in order here. Especially when wearing Steve Madden gladiator heels.
Anyway, I could go on about these two outfits (which basically represent a day and night twist on the same dress) but I think I'd rather focus on the grafitti tag on the side of the house. Some genius with spray paint decided to target my boyfriend's house. OK, so my boyfriend doesn't live in the best part of town and probably had it coming either way.
All I ask, my dear tagger, is if you're going to spray paint the word "freedom" please, for the love of all that is gramatically correct, spell it right so I don't have to be constantly reminded of how the public education system has failed you.
Dress: Coral and cream strapless dress, BCBG
Blazer: Navy blazer, Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Black heels, Aldo; Black gladiator heels, Steve Madden
Purse: Vintage Chanel wannabe
This dress is exquisite. I lovelovelove your bun+glasses combo. Very school teacher chic.
I love BCBG. They are a personal fave. They make such awesome pieces. I like the first combo best, though…
Ooooooh I am in love with this dress!!! It's so beautiful. I am liking the day outfit with the blazer! Wow you just look amazing that's all I can say!
omg gorgeous outfit honey !!!!!!!!!
gorgeous outfits
great red top 🙂
These two takes are perfect. What a stunning dress! What a stunning girl!
Please spray paint another "e" in there please!
wow! the dress is wonderful!
i love the first outfit!the blazer is lovely!
that blazer is so amazing!!! this outfit is perfect 🙂
Taggers around here can't spell, either. It frustrates me to no end. -_- But your outfits are refreshing; that's the perfect party dress, and you styled it so well. And I concur with a comment from above… I'm also curious to see if your closet is bursting at the seams. 😛
Hahahahaha, toooo funny!!! Love your day/night outfit too! In the first you look like a sexy schoolteacher!
You look just perfect! It's so lovely to see your face…show us more of that, lady! And I ADORE the dress and heels on you. This is a gorgeous outfit.
Love the outfit!
I'm curious to see what your closet looks like – Have you ever posted pics of it? I'm sure it's busting at the seams!
omg, "fredom"!!
I'm a fan of today's outfit, love the ruffles on the top of the dress:)
and we get to see your side profile, yay!
Love the dress but please don't judge people who can't spel…
Gorgeous! I love the sexy secretary vibe of the day outfit.
LOVE this outfit! So cool. And your so beautiful – you don't need those glasses!
I love the blazer!
I love that dress on you. Absolutely beautiful!
Great day to night transition! I am wearing a similar little blazer traveling tomorrow (I am so excited about my trip, I laid my clothes out 2 nights in advance….ridiculous, I know!).
The 'fredom' graffiti is hilarious!
That dress is stunning! Seriously? That's a dress and not two separate pieces?
And thanks for showing us a day/ night look. Awesome!
ohhhhhhhhhh perfect dress
At least the phrase befits what you're wearing? 🙂 The mistake reminds me very much of The Pursuit of Happyness.
the dress is amazing!
That's just sad!
I love the "day" look! So work-ready.
That dress is so pretty!
wow! simply beautiful! ^^
I love how the blazer adds crisp, clean lines to the playful dress!
I love the whole outfit, especially the blazer! It's really sad how bad spelling has become in the world – freedom isn't that difficult of a word.
both outfits are fantastic, but the first is my fave!
This dress is perfect!! You look fabulous!!
LMAO what an idiot …
love this creamy skirt its spectacular
i love that navy blazer, i want one just like it! and it's too funny how they spelled "freedom" wrong. i mean, really…