Yup. Another productive day at work. Outfit post later today, so stay tuned. I just had to post this Christmas tree dress in the meantime. Not comfortable for general moving around (or breathing for that matter) but looks darling, right? Can never be too early to get in the spirit, I always say.
Dress: Handmade by my editor and staff set designer from actual Christmas tree branches and ornaments
Tights: Fishnet tights, Target
Shoes: Red heels, Junkee Clothing Exchange
cool!very creative!AV,無碼,a片免費看,自拍貼圖,伊莉,微風論壇,成人聊天室,成人電影,成人文學,成人貼圖區,成人網站,一葉情貼圖片區,色情漫畫,言情小說,情色論壇,臺灣情色網,色情影片,色情,成人影城,080視訊聊天室,a片,A漫,h漫,麗的色遊戲,同志色教館,AV女優,SEX,咆哮小老鼠,85cc免費影片,正妹牆,ut聊天室,豆豆聊天室,聊天室,情色小說,aio,成人,微風成人,做愛,成人貼圖,18成人,嘟嘟成人網,aio交友愛情館,情色文學,色情小說,色情網站,情色,A片下載,嘟嘟情人色網,成人影片,成人圖片,成人文章,成人小說,成人漫畫,視訊聊天室,性愛,a片,AV女優,聊天室,情色
You are too too much! I'm so jealous, you can even pull off a Christmas tree dress!
That doesn't even look like you…you look really cute in it…
so cute!
Forget putting a lampshade on your head when you're drunk, just put on the tree at the office Christmas party. It is fun though. I never would've thought of it.
Haha! I sure hope this is going in the next Reno Style mag! Holiday style, all the way!
Wee! I want one. 😀
wow! this is so creative and fun, i want to make one 🙂 xo
hahaha omg that is soo amazing!!
i may have to copy it for my holiday party
that dress is amazing! ^^
christmas tree flapper?! I like this!
You rock. That is all.
ummm thats amazing! I want a tree dress!
Haha this is adorable and such a cool and creative idea!
thats so cool
haha, woow!
that is crazy cute! love it. 🙂
Aw, That dress is just adorable! xxx Camilla
what an amazing dress! So funny and so beautiful.
Fun, fun, fun!
Visit my blog http://www.abitoffashion.com
oh dear god that dress is amazing. if you end up in the bay area, can you wear that when we meet up???
(send me an email and we can exchange contact info, girl!)