< 1 minute
Top: American Apparel (similar style here); Skirt: Tibi (same style, different color here); Shoes: Charlotte Olympia; Sunglasses: Karen Walker
These shoes had a funny way of working their way into my life. I remember spotting them at an end of season Neiman Marcus sale last year in Vegas, only to walk away from them because the sticker price was still too high. Flash forward to a few weeks ago, when I stopped by Jeremy's with a few girlfriends, only to see them sitting by themselves on a shelf (looking awfully lonely!). And you know what? I passed. Again. Price was still too high and the size wasn't quite right (you can tell from the photos, they're about a half size too big). Finally, the third try came through -- price was lowered yet again thanks to a great sale and I decided to pull the trigger (and promptly got these shoe inserts to prevent my foot from slipping). Sometimes, you just have to let shoe fate (read: stubbornness) work its magic.  
Photos by Dan Johnson