Shirt: Zara (similar style here); Shorts: Urban Outfitters (similar style here); Shoes: Valentino (similar style here); Bag: Lodis iPad case (similar style here); Sunglasses: YSL (similar style here); Jewelry: Michael Kors watch, Bee Charming necklace, J. Crew bracelet
The lovely folks over at Bobbi Brown have a pretty fabulous campaign going on right now, aptly called "Pretty Powerful," emphasizing how women, all women, are pretty without makeup and with the right makeup, can be pretty powerful at that. I love the concept of this, namely because I tend to remain pretty neutral with my makeup myself (aside from the necessary lip color pop) but also because it's so very true. A little bit always goes a long way, in my book.
Of course, after I got to reading some of the "Pretty Powerful" women stories on their campaign site (I highly recommend you do, too) I got to thinking about some of the pretty powerful women in my life -- my mother being the frontrunner. Always true to herself, my mother is one of my biggest influences. She's always taught me to never be afraid of speaking my mind -- even if I'm standing alone. I'm forever grateful for that.
Giveaway Rules:
Do you have someone in your life who you think is "Pretty Powerful"? I'd love to hear it! One winner will receive an exclusive "Pretty Powerful" makeup palette! To enter, simply:
1.) Tell me about your "Pretty Powerful" person in the comments below. Don't forget to tell me why that person stands out. (Only comments made to this post will be considered as entries.)
2.) Check back later this week when I announce the winner.
That's it! Easy two steps, right? Good luck and looking forward to reading your comments!
My mother is the most powerful human being I know. In fact if I won, this would be for her. She is completely unselfish in all of the right ways–sacrificing 5 days of the week so that my brother and I can go to private school. On top of that, her nights and weekends are spent driving my brother and I to friends' houses, sports practices, or school events. I'm only 15 yet I know when I grow up I want to be just like her. Some may consider her life hard–she is constantly on the move and always working. She is often tired and exhausted from a long day at work yet she never lets that interfere with the precious time we have together. She makes the most of what life's given her. Our life is far from bad, but for her it is full of hardships. She lost her mother at a young age and I know how much she misses her. Despite her exhaustion, her ache for her mother, and every single thing she does for my brother and I, she never drops her confident, kind outlook on life. She is a very strong-willed woman in whatever she does. Whether it be setting records at her job, being a great wife and mother, or just cheering louder than anyone in the stands (I'm not kidding…it's embarrassing) my mom is the best person in the world. If one sentence could sum up my mom, other than 'I love you, of course (shout out to you, Mom), it would be "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". And she does that and more. Not only does she make lemonade, she makes it for the whole family. She is the sunny outlook in my life, and when ever something is bothering me, I know she is there. Not pushy, not cranky, not angry or tired–just there. And being there is the most important thing of all. Mom, you're pretty powerful in my adoring eyes, and I am so thankful and appreciative for every thing you do for me. I love you, Mom.
Rory F
I'd have to say my Dad, he has taught me everything I know and I deeply value his teachings. A year and a half ago he was diagnosed with cancer and throughout his WHOLE struggle he remained completely positive, right up until the night he passed away. Instead of being concerned about his health and issues he was struggling with his main objective was to make sure WE were going to be ok. I honestly cannot thank him enough for how strong he has made me and what he did for us was pretty powerful. I miss him every single day but i'm blessed with knowing that he will always be with me!
You look so gorg here by the way!!
Of course my mother is the bst in the world, but what I really want to figure out is how powerful I can be….While I wouldn't say I've endured horrible things, life has not always been perfect. That's why I did all I could to make it better, by taking the power and making things happen. We all have the ability to be amazing, if only we can see it.
So, next time life throws you a curveball, take a chance… 😉
I think my mom is pretty powerful…she's a stay-at-home mom who, because she loved her kids so much and wanted to spend time with us, decided to home school. Twenty-something years later she's still at it, with my youngest sister just starting high school this year (there's five of us). I graduated college last year and am so grateful to her and the opportunities that being taught at home during my childhood and teen years gave me. 🙂
My dad is the most powerful person I know…he inspires me to work hard, be honest, and give my best each and every day.
The most powerful woman I know is the woman who follows her dreams without compromising her principals. She moves through life making better the lives of the people that she touches. The most powerful woman I know is the ageless woman who doesn't bow to trends, but inspires creativity by her own personal style. She encourages without envy and lifts others without lowering herself. She is the BEST in all of us!
my mom is the most powerful person I've met. She inspires me daily to be the kind of woman she is.
Awwww… is this opened to international readers? 🙂
Love that shade of iPad Case!
<3 Dee
you have a nice smile !keep on !!
Tera online
Tera items
Absolutely Love this outfit!! (= Especially the blouse and the shorts! 😀
I think there stands a difference between a powerful and a strong woman, though it is a fine line. When it comes to the most powerful woman in my life, I'd name myself. I have to make make clear that life has tested me, and though I might not have been the strongest woman in my life, I think I've proven that I am the most powerful.
The biggest lesson I've learned in life at my relatively young age of 22 is that I'll never be the sole determiner of my destiny, but without my own fuel in the engine, I'll never go anywhere. I've always known that I would hate myself if I didn't keep going and stay strong with all the battles I've fought in life . Having been diagnosed with a health condition that rendered me helpless in many ways than one (including not being able to drive, and losing my memory), I knew I'd have to fight that much harder to move forward. I"ve accomplished things like being published in Marie Claire magazine, getting asked by Oprah Winfrey to go backstage and talk while at her show, and graduating with a Bachelor's of Journalism in broadcast news.
While these feats aren't the most extraordinary, they are something because it was predominantly the strength I manifested and channeled from God, my family, and friends that helped me accomplish things I'd never dreamed I could've when I was only 22.
It makes me realize that there may be some mystery to what struggles and tests life will present, but the power the push past those will always be up to me, first and foremost.
My daughter is the pretty powerful person in my life. She has made me change my outlook on life greatly! Because of her I am a better person and everything I do I always think about her first. I am very happy to have her in my life and being a single mother when there are times I am stressed or mad just a smile of hers makes me forget everything.
My pretty powerful person is a male, which doesn't seem to follow the trend of other comments but oh well. Currently my boyfriend, and one of my best friends, Tim taught me so much about both myself and others. He taught me the power of truly listening to others and myself. He constantly reminds me how far being unafraid can get me. By following his own dreams, he's taught me the joy that one can experience from doing what you believe in, regardless of how difficult it may be. He's also fed and encouraged my constant curiosity about the world, science, people, and MMA fighting! I love him and appreciate him for what he has taught and continues to teach me.
My mom is "pretty powerful" because she has been through a lot of difficult things in her life, but she is still such a positive and loving person. She always thinks of others before herself and she is my biggest supporter. I hope that I can be more like her as I get older.
My sister would have to be the powerful person in my life. In her life she has endured so much tragedy and heartache. She was a teenage single mom, suffered the loss of her daughter after a full term pregnancy, dealt with the mental illness and subsequent death of her firstborn son, and many other things. Throughout it all she has shown enormous strength and courage. She is definitely someone special.
My daughter is "pretty powerful" she has brought so much good and joy into my life and has her daddy wrapped around her little fingers. She is my world and the prettiest most powerful person I know 🙂
I'd write more about my mother but that'd make her a target for creeps with vendettas. D'oh.
My mother is more powerful than most of the women I know could dream of being – she raised me as a single mother, got her degree while I was growing up in law, became a prosecutor for the county we lived in and put abusers and murderers away – while also assisting in child protective services and doing things like house visits to ensure the safety and livelihood of children living with their parents. I also think it's pretty great that so many people consider their mother to be the most powerful woman they know… 🙂
My pretty powerful person is my mother. Divorced Single mom of two kids by the age of 27. Daughter of two refugees. She came to the US when she was 17 to go to college and hardly spoke a word of English. She raised my brother and I all by herself while finishing college and is now a very successful business woman. Now she's working on her MBA … just because. 🙂
I love this idea! what a great thing to share. For me, it's my grandmother. She taught me so many things as a child – she's crafty, a wonderful entertainer, a good listener, loves her family to pieces and she has an incredible worldly vision. She has been to just about every country in the world and just adores soaking up the culture everywhere she goes. She was courageous when my grandfather lost the ability to walk and she is always a shoulder to cry on. I love her so much, and I love that my children are getting to know their Great-Grandmother.
ps- that first picture of you is amazing!!
my mom is the greatest! so proud!!!
women in business! there aren't enough!! that's pretty powerful 🙂
i am obsessed with that ipad case!!! and those sunnies girl!
Inlook up to my Mother also, she is the most powerful woman i know. She has gone through alot in her life, a nasty childhood and illnesses but she has come through them all and done so much with her life – so proud of her! x
I would have say Lois Bowering is my most powerful influence… See what I did there? My Nan's name and my Mom's name is really the same name… but I can't choose! The reason my mother is so powerful is because of her mother. So… they are both on my list. Here's why:
My grandmother was such a survivor. She had 5 kids and raised them by herself; her husband left her when my Mom was 2. Nan sewed all their clothes, went to night school, got a job to support them, turned out just fine all thanks to her. She didn't get any help. It was all her. They did without fancy things, but who needs fancy things? Most of us need to remember what's inside of us is what is important. I'm sure I don't even know the half of how strong she was.
Before Nan passed away to cancer, she ended up remarrying my Pop after like 36 years of being apart after both their spouses suddenly passed away (WHY wasn't this featured on Oprah?)
My Mother had a rough go for a while too.
My Dad passed away when I was 8 and she had a hard time dealing with it. Some of the stories give me goosebumps. The particular one being my younger sister, when she was 4 and visiting Dad's grave, trying to dig him up saying to Mom that he was cold and didn't like it under the ground. I don't know how someone can cope with that.
Mom never shows her emotions, always works works works for others, always appears so strong on the outside. It makes me wonder how she does it. She says her love for us keeps her living, and she does everything for us. Since I'm a Mom I know exactly what she's talking about since there's NOTHING I wouldn't do for my baby.
That's what is powerful: the unbreakable bond and borderlineCRAZY love that comes with being a mother!
Love this giveaway.
Also, can I say that your forth picture is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING. I love your smile, Krystal!
I Can Be Many Things
great outfit love those sunnies! my mother is my biggest inspiration
My friend Angelina is a constant inspiration and role model. As a strong-minded woman who's no stranger to pain and loss, she is eternally open, energetic and hilarious. She doesn't hesitate to stand up for herself in the face of misogeny, prejudice and willful ignorance. Whenever I am lucky enough to spend some time with Angie, I feel stronger and more confident. Love her!
My 12 year old daughter is actually pretty powerful! At such a young age she knows who she is and what she believes in! She stands up for what she believes in and for others. She's the first to intervene in the face of cruelty and has always been inclusive of everyone around her. She is confident, smart and creative and is a stellar student on top of everything else. She is one amazing little girl!
My mom is pretty powerful to me. She has gone through a lot of medical struggles in the last few years, but does it with her chin held high and a positive, selfless attitude, and she is still the most beautiful woman on the planet to me.
I love how you dressed up those leather shorts and I love the details on those shoes!! <3
My mom is pretty powerful. Life hasn't always gone her way but she has remained positive and faithful to her dreams and values. She also exerts a lot of energy to ensure that her kids become the best that they can be.
loved these leather shorts, gorgeous sandals too
My mom is pretty powerful, always has been for me. I identify myself with her and the dedication she has to her job and everything she believes in. I wish to be half the woman she is someday, as well as teach my kids just how powerful they can be. I just appreciate her so much, and I know I am very blessed to be her daughter!
Great blouse.
Fashionable Collections Giveaway
my older sister! she is so dedicated, putting herself through college and med school, she taught me what it really means to be an independent woman!
I love my mom – she's my pick 🙂 And those leather shorts are amazing on you..
I'm gonna have to be cliche and go with my mom too. Though we don't always get along, and sometimes she drives me insane (just a lil), she is pretty powerful. She is completely true to herself. She doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. She does what she wants and makes no apologies. She wears crazy things and shoes them off as much as she can because she loves them and she doesn't mind if people think she's crazy for it. She likes to make people laugh and feel good, no matter what's going on in her own life. Thanks to her I'm not afraid to be myself. I lean on her in my times of emotional downs and she is always there for me. Thanks to my mom I know that I can stand on my own. I don't need anyone else to validate me or make me whole. I am perfect just as I am and thanks to my wonderful, strong, smart, opinionated mom, I love my life and I feel stable even in my most unstable times.
My mom is pretty powerful. She's never worn a ton of makeup, just a bit of lip color. She encouraged my sister and me to know our natural beauty before enhancing it. I shouldn't say encourage. She insisted on it! So now we wear makeup, but I don't believe I need it to be pretty or powerful! How else is my mom pretty powerful? She has a passion for helping low-income people get the best legal aid. I love that about her.
I think the most powerful woman I know is one of my best friends. She came from a different country not knowing how to speak english, she struggled to fit into a new life since childhood to present time. Now she has become such a successful college student. She's into political science and is a super student. She is beautiful inside and out. She's a trooper , a great friend a humble and pretty amazing powerful individual =)
Love your blouse and those leather shorts!
xo Julia
i am LOVING those heels and all your accessories!! <333
My first thought was my mother, who's had an extraordinary life. But really, my grandmother is an amazing woman. She's 95 years old and not only still lives alone, but she runs a small store on the bottom level of her home. She raised 4 daughters and 1 son on her own after her husband died, and she did an amazing job creating smart, confident, kind people. She brings out the best in everyone who knows her.
The CEO of the company I work for is such a powerful woman and not in a Devil Wears Prada sort of way. She has had a amazing life, living in South Africa and then returning to her original neightborhood in Brooklyn. Upon her return she noticed the local businesses were suffering due to crime and the struggling economy- so she established a non-profit organization to develop the community. This was in the 70's- today the organization has grown to staff over 2,000 employers and 56 programs Brooklyn wide that provide assistance for growing businesses, first-time home buyers, homeless shelters, education services for at-risk youth and so much more. I worked directly as her assistant for 3 years and she has always been a kind and gracious woman. She never lets her position of power dictate her treatment of others- now that is pretty powerful!
Great giveaway! Liv @ bklynlifestyle.blogspot.com
Hands down this goes to my mother. She raised 3 awesome kids and has had a marriage of almost 30 years, all while building her career – 35 years as an oncology nurse – a job that takes compassion and strength.
Great post!
This campaign is great, we all should be more natural and just emphasize our best features, I love how natural you look always, oh and let me say those sunglasses are beyond amazing!
Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries
My beautiful mom is not only selfless, inspiring, but also powerful. She has the ability to light up the darkest of rooms. She was recently diagnosed with bladder cancer ( in which she calls it the C word) embarassed by this "dirty" cancer she would never let it show. Undergoing her third set of chemo (10th dose) she doesn't miss a beat. She refuses to not let C word interfere with the world around her, even insisting upon others not calling her sick. At 45 she is the most athletic, stylish, stunningly powerful person I know who continuously puts others always before herself. Even thouh her pain can't be deacribed she always hides it with a smile and never with a complaint! Xoxo
I love your shoes. they are fierce!
My powerful person is also my Mother. She's been a single Mom to me and my 2 brothers and always worked her ass off to get us what we needed or wanted. She taught me to not only be myself but value the differences that me, me. She always urged me to stand up for what I believe in, follow my dreams and always pick myself up if I should fall down. She's the woman I strive to be!
What a great thing! I'd have to say that my sister is a powerful person in my life. Starting out at a community college (where I now am!) she worked really hard and got scholarships and fellowships to William and Mary, George Mason, and now Georgetown. She inspires me daily when I'm struggling with silly math classes!
My mother is the most powerful woman I know. A a very honest, sweetest, humble yet determined person I know. She has raised 4 girls into beautiful women. She has taught us to be true to ourselves, have self respect, humility and to always be punctual (she hates being late).
My Mom is Pretty Powerful! She has somehow managed to raise 3 beautiful daughters into beautiful people by keeping us grounded, honest, and kind. She has also always encouraged us to do what makes us happy and to take what life gives you and make it work. Which I think is what makes people beautiful when they are comfortable in their own skin and are doing what they love.
Motherhood has to be the most powerful thing a woman can do!
My sister-in-law is pretty powerful. She is a teacher, and recently received her Master's degree in kinesiology. Also, she and my brother just had their first beautiful baby boy. Between work, raising him, and being a great soccer coach and role model do some young girls, she is definitely a powerful woman.
my grandma- wars, the depression, not having contact with my grandpa for months while he was detained in the Philipines during WWII, going to COLLEGE in the 40's(at Georgetown and Michigan!!), loosing her brother, currently loosing her sister to alzheimers, raising my mother…I bet that was a handful.
ps- your sunglasses collection is to die for.
That should read isn't horrible about it! Apologies
My sister is the most powerful woman I know. I struggle a lot with what other people think about me but she does not let this affect her. She knows she is a good person and knows that if people aren't going to be her friend or accept her opinion then she doesn't need them around. She is horrible about it but she just won't let it get her down. I only wish that I could be as brave as her. Two years a go she moved to London, went on a job hunt during the recession and moved in with a few people she didn't even know. Now she happily lives there with good friends and has a job she really enjoys. Inspiring stuff for someone who has a year of undergrad left!
Love this look! XOXO
I loveee your shoes! Here's to powerful women everywhere….
I would have to say that my husband is a very powerful man. He isn't just powerful but a great leader. He is a soldier in the Army and just spent a year away from us! We have a 2 year old so I have no idea how he was away from her. I'm so grateful for him and what he does everyday so I look up to him and think he is a very powerful man (in a good way) !!! Love your blog thanks for sharing all your fun outfits gives me so much inspiration. Love your glasses most!
my grandma is the most powerful women I've ever met! she went through two wars, lost two of her brothers and a husband but always stayed brave, caring, and loving to all of us! she never lost her inner strength even though her life was never easy! she taught me to always look for a bright side of life and never give up when the life gets tough!
Awesome post, really makes you think!
Fashion Fractions
These shorts look so good on you ..pretty outfit.. I love your blog so much!